
Well, to be fair older brothers are the worst.

After a while, we just turned the radar off and stopped deluding ourselves. No one used the friggin' thing.

Ah, the memories of dying so many times in the Facility level because you played with your one friend who was a video game savant! Taking part in his 65 kills in a 10-minute round of one-hit kills with pistols. That was a fun/not fun time!

I've had good chats with other Gamelogerinos on Destiny. Those are the only individuals I will connect the mic up and to talk to.

My gaming resolution is to play an RPG with my kids. Maybe it will be Final Fantasy 7 (or 9 if it comes out for the PS4) or maybe Okami. I'm thinking Okami is whimsical enough that it will keep my youngest interested.

Congrats on the little one! That being said, I don't envy you for playing this game with a newborn. I might have requested a pass on this review.

It was a lot quicker than I would've expected, but it was after A LOT of lockpicking.


Yeah not having the option to tell a certain someone to stuff it when they tell you to end the Railroad was frustrating. I felt really bad when I did it.

Yes. Squirrel stew let's you gain extra experience for 10 minutes, after consuming it. I romanced Piper, so every time I slept the Lover's Embrace perk had the same effect. I did both of those things before I completed any mission by talking to someone. Helped me level up a lot, especially in the early going.

Yeah, I read that entry, but it made it even creepier. Instead of asking people to help them, they just grab them in the middle of the night and replace them with a synth. Then they act disappointed when people react poorly to them.

I started a new game where I was planning on having both the Minutemen and the Railroad come out on top because they're the only factions that give a shit about the people in the Commonwealth. We'll see how that goes.

Sounds like you need to eat some squirrel stew! It fills a hobo's belly and experience meter real quick!

I agree about the Institute especially since…

I've never played a Fallout game outside of this, so I am enjoying myself. Except for when I get within shouting distance of Preston Garvey and he gives me another quest.

I would give you $5 towards making that game.

Oh man, that sounds fun. I'll try to swing it.

Thanks, man! Might be tomorrow morning before I can get to it. I'll let you know, thanks for the offer.

I hear you. Orphan's movement is very erratic and I thought a lot of the beginnings of the combos started out the same, so they weren't telegraphed. I will say I barely beat Orphan. At the end of the fight I had zero blood flasks and only about a fifth of my health left. I don't know how it happened, but Orphan

So you definitely need 6 people? I figured three minimum (i.e one for each plate). Getting six will be rough.