
Thanks, man. I figured I'm way behind the ball on this.

[crickets chirping]

Pandemic sounds right up my alley, but I've never played it. On New Year's Eve I took part in a board game extravaganza. I played The Resistance, which was a very cool bluffing game. We also did Coup, which was also a bluffing game that I had heard a lot about and it was a lot of fun. I would give more details,

Death by a thousand tiny cuts is the name of the game. His second form was the one that really threw me for a loop. Word of advice, when Orphan does the lightning area attack, run back to the fog gate, it stops just short of there. I have a feeling Orphan of Kos is one of those bosses I will beat once on NG and

The Defiled Chalices are tough, but the Ailing Lorain Chalice is one of the worst things ever. However, it also allows you to open up the final chalice, so if you want to get platinum you need to do it. Also, the end Chalice boss is pretty cool. What level are you? I could maybe help with Kos, if you like.

Skellige's Most Wanted is bugged for me and I can't complete it. The werewolf just stands there and roars over and over again. Can't damage it or anything. One would think they'll patch it, right?

Yeah, that thing they did has ruined me on the character on subsequent playthroughs.

Orphan of Kos suuuuuuuucked, but the fight with Lady Maria was one of the best ones in the entire game.

This weekend I will be playing Destiny. I didn't think I'd be one for this type of game, but I am hopelessly addicted. The shooting mechanics are great, the combat it quick and intense, the other players are quick to help out, and the game doesn't waste my time (much). Overall, it's s blast.

Better to be Plan 9 From Outer Space than Jack & Jill?

Turn off random encounters? I'm there.

Which Elvis? Yes, there is a difference.

I think the most important question not answered in the review is: What is so special about his guitar that he is willing to kill people so it won't get destroyed? Is it magic? Does it talk? I'm assuming it is both.

This comment plays right into what Nintendo wants: stop talking about Devil's Third and move onto something else.

My wife came to the same conclusion, when we were watching.

Fetch Quest: The Game! Shit, add crafting to this game and I'd play that forever.

Wait, that is seriously an option?! Oh man, now I want to play it again to make it so.

Maybe he ate a Roethlisburger before the game? The passing game was abysmal. The only Steeler to show up that day was DeAngelo Williams. Go figure.

Okay THAT would be a romance for the ages.

Hands down the best romance in DA:I is between the Inquisitor and Dorian. Nothing in TW3 even comes close to this.