
The only game I can think of that considered the feelings of the abused is maybe The Wolf Among Us, particularly Wolf's interactions with Faith. Even then, it's lumped into the "that's what happens when you're a prostitute" trope in video games.

You have the perfect forum to tell everyone why we should play and enjoy Box Boy.

It could be mistaken for a Jughead hat.

Speaking of not being able to write coherently…

THIS WILL BE A MULTI-WEEK UPDATE. Due to the holiday last week, we were provide updates about Week 15 in the Gameological Block & Tackle Fantasy Football League; otherwise known as the first round of the playoffs! Four teams were pitted against each other in an epic match to the death. Another four teams battled

Nick Wanserski cleaning up on this list and deservedly so! The Dante's Inferno For Our Consideration was great.

I, unfortunately, was raised in the former category of Catholicism; not abusive, but definitely fire-and-brimstone Catholicism. Once I came to terms with religion and why it was not for me, I would look back at those times and wish I could go back and tell myself that everything would turn out alright in the end.

I wore a fedora and/or a bowler in college (not at the same time), but it was the mid to late-90s when fashion was crazy. Also, they were my grandfather's hats and were the only things I had of his to remember him by, so I figured it was acceptable.

I did this last night and beat Ludwig on my first try. Thanks!

I did a couple times, but when he does his AoE attack the NPC ran right into it (when a normal person would know to flee) and immediately died. That was in the opening 10 seconds of his second form. He was all over me after that. I think I will try the fight without locking on in order to focus on getting behind

I had no idea about summoning Valtr! I summoned Harriet, but she gets smoked immediately by his second form. Thanks for the heads up!

Thanks! My character only had Gehrman to defeat in order to finish the game, so I'm like level 92. My problem is every time I try to heal he's immediately on me. Reminds me of the aggressiveness of the Fume Knight in Dark Souls 2.

The ickiness of the intro completely ruined the game for me. I loved the first one, but the one thing this game didn't need was rape (implied or not).

I concur, the Railroad HQ theme is no joke:

The DLC is about another 20 hours, half of it is cut scenes, but they are interesting cut scenes! My favorite thing about the DLC is there is actually challenging combat, again. High level enemies all over the place.

I am loving The Old Hunters, but Ludwig the Accursed is absolutely wrecking my shit. As soon as he changes into his second form, I can barely get a hit in.

I liked Bloodborne because it was not an open world game. I love open world games, but sometimes life calls for a more straightforward experience. While you can explore Yharnam in all of its creepy glory, the path is clearly laid before you (I'm not referring to the plot). Most of your destinations lead you to

Great job! That's a badass illustration!

That's a nice word to describe my RBs…

Content. In no normal season should you be relying on those guys, let alone bragging that you picked them up.