
You realize how fucked up your first sentence is, right?

Congrats on the new job!

It’s playoff time in the Gameological Block & Tackle Fantasy Football League. Four teams will battle it out for supremacy and one will emerge victorious next week. Here are Week 14’s the results:

Brotherhood of Steel would be more their cup of tea…

Time compression.

Glad to see all of the fun strength weapons in the DLC. As good as the Hunter's Axe and Kirkhammer are, they felt like a little panache. The Whirligig Saw and Boom Hammer sound fun. Same with the new whip that scales with strength. That thing does crazy damage!

Nice! Thanks!

That's disappointing. Oh well, I will continue to roll with my trusty Blades of Mercy and Threaded Cane. I am excited about using the Boom Hammer with my strength build. Considering the Hunter that had one rocked my shit with it, I'd love to give it a try.

This weekend, I'll be playing Hosting My Parents. The Avoiding Politics stage will be tricky, but necessary. If I have free time, I'll continue playing Fallout 4, where I'll try to have the Minutemen come out on top, while trying to save the Railroad, as well.

Iceman's theme from Megaman gets the blood flowing and warms you up like a good whiskey on a cold day.

John, based on the color contents of the piss glass, it appears you need to drink more water.

That is one of the most bizarre things I have heard.

Fuckin' cyberdiscs. Right up there with chrysalids.

Fantasy football is a crapshoot, you could pull it off.

That is a cruel, cruel name choice. You still have a couple opportunities to use it, though.

Interesting concept! We are in the planning stages for next year and have been discussing punishment for Ultimate Losers.

Biggest surprise for me was playing Wolfenstein: The New Order. I knew it was probably going to be a good shoot 'em up, but I was surprised that I cared about the supporting characters as much as I did.

That was an amazing moment!

Oh how the mighty have fallen! ewlmo4 has emerged as the new juggernaut in the Gameological Block & Tackle Fantasy Football League and we should all be very afraid. Here are Week 13’s the results:

That's the one I'm most stoked to play. I know FO3 is supposed to be damn near perfect, but everything I've heard about New Vegas sounds more interesting. Well, everything except Matthew Perry's voice acting.