
Whoa there Hitler!

But you're really good at it, too!

QBs mess all of this up. You get 1 point per 20 yards passing. For instance, if a QB throws for 289 yards, that equals 14.45 points.

Nothing will help you this week, for I was forced to pick up and start Zach Mettenberger! You're going down.

Damn, is it too chaotic to read? Should I format it better?

Shit, that sounded bad. I meant it as a compliment. When you complain, it is very well thought-out and you bring up valid concerns. So, your complaints are warranted and insightful. Better?

But you're so good at it!

Great job once again, eveyone! I particularly enjoyed the lively discussion on scary video game enemies in this week's WAYPTW, too.

Week 7 of the Gameological Block & Tackle Fantasy Football League was a close one, with most of the games being decided either late Sunday or Monday night. Trumpkin still reigns supreme, but there was quite a bit of shuffling in the rest of the standings. Here are the results:

Mr. X has a nice trench coat, though.

He's like a calico cat! An annoying calico cat.

EXACTLY!! They're the worst.

This. This is the truth.

Oh man, I know exactly what you mean about the Black Knight in the Undead Burg. I remember thinking: "He's got his back to me, I'll just sneak up and hit him!" Then I get within striking distance and he turns around. I about shit my pants.

In Resident Evil 4, where I hit a bell (it was there, how was I not supposed to hit it?!) and the claw dudes burst out of the prison cells and sliced me to pieces.

I'm still waiting for the Order to get cheaper than that. If I can get a used copy for like $10, I might give it a try. It's setting should be right up my alley, but everything I've heard about it sounds awful.

The Cat gear is the best looking armor in the game, which is the most important thing.

I hear you. Nothing like having a soldier dash towards cover only to walk right into a sectopod you didn't know was there. XCOM is the best/worst.

The basilisks eyes are what bother me. The Depths was an uncomfortable place to explore in my first go-round with Dark Souls.

In Diablo 2 he was just so friggin' fast! That was a hell of fight (no pun intended).