
If Stride Mother is anything like the Brood Mothers in Dragon Age, I want nothing to do with it.

Happy belated birthday!

Careful with Noveria. If you are not powerful enough, there is a fight that will give you an unreasonable amount of frustration. I usually save it and Virmire for last.

I finished The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone and was pretty impressed. Challenging boss fights (the Caretaker took a couple tries), cool new gear, a likable special lady friend, and interesting villains. My only beef was it at times it felt like Cutscene: The DLC. Sooooo many cutscenes. I did feel like I got my money's

You'll get another stank handle after I'm done with you! I know that sounds weird, but I'm sticking by it.

Foster is getting stronger every game and you've got a solid team. Once Freeman comes back to Earth, Trumpkin might lose.

I will now go undefeated for the rest of the season. You are our only hope of defeating Trumpkin. We are all counting on you. No pressure.

A Dark Souls ballet is goddamn brilliant! I am willing to donate $5 to making this a thing.

Domination. It is a word that strikes fear in the heart of many and gives the tinglies to others. In Week 5 of the Gameological Block & Tackle Fantasy Football League, there were several dominating performances, most importantly by me. Everyone in the league should now be quaking in their stylish shoes, for they

Well, Geralt does meet a lady, but it is too early to tell if they will form a lasting relationship (they won't) or just have sex (a given).

Sorry, I was confused. I don't mind The Gutter, it's the Black Gulch I cannot stand.

I'd agree with that, but the HR was huge! Bautista deserved to celebrate that hit. The thing I hate in baseball is if a pitcher would've beaned Bautista the next at bat. Baseball's unspoken codes are ridiculous.

It's a Norwegian Troll doll.

I'd agree with all of that except that the White Sox can eat it and I am an oddball in that I root for the Red Wings (long story). The Wings have gotten me through some pretty dark times, sports-wise. It's nice to be able to root for a reliable team.

That was one of the greatest baseball things I have ever seen. The second he pauses and just stands there?! Man, that's awesome!

I feel a little bad about choosing your name, but that picture is totally worth it. So damn frightening.

The Gutter is my least favorite level in the game. The part that annoys me about the poison statues is that they can stagger you.

I heard the mood in the stadium during Game 5 was described as tense and ugly. Good thing the Jays won, otherwise I'm sure we would've seen a classic Canadian post-sporting event riot; or is that localized to just Montreal?

Crying is involved in some of my earliest Cubs memories, too.

I think regardless of how the Cubs season turns out, they are going to go hard after starting pitching. Top of that list will be David Price, if Toronto does not resign him.