
Also, the Emperial forces are lead by Colonel Tigh from BSG, so that's a plus. The entire time I was waiting to here him say "Frakkin' Stormcloaks!"

Over/under on 3 players being suspended in a brawl in the Royals-Jays series?

This weekend I will be playing The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC. I'm a good ways in, right now, and it's pretty interesting. A couple mild plot twists, but nothing earth shattering, so far. Combat is still good, the inventory is still a mess, but so far it is a nice addition to the game.

I felt that way too, until I saw a Lego Nazgul. Whatever whimsy in me hadn't died immediately resurfaced for a brief instant, that day.

Have Mastodon score the thing and you have a hit!

Yes! Transistor is already halfway there.

Fine. I'll edit it, so I don't offend people who speak good.

Sooooooo many nose jokes.

I was considering this, too. All musicals need the addition of blood caps.

Infinite would be an interesting choice. I am picturing a ballad sung by Elizabeth to the Songbird. That'd be badass!

Great choice! That's the only Tales game I've played, but it definitely has the dramatic story and likable protagonist to get the job done.

Nice pick, FF7 was my second choice.

Question: What video game would you like to see turned into a Broadway musical? I'm thinking a Max Fischer Rushmore-esque version of Mass Effect would be excellent.

Oh man, that suuuuuuucks. Awarding extra points for hitting a yardage milestone is crazy.

This is a beautiful summation of the game. None of it makes sense and you're correct that it has a very late-1950s perspective on what life should be like.

Well… shit.


There's my chance to win my second game of the season!

Matt Jones has gotten me a combined total of 3.00 points in two weeks.

The Game of Life because you get a bunch of money at the end of the game, if you have a bunch of kids. Gotta love a game that considers tax credits into it endgame.