
But the ManBearPig claw weapon is a really good! Also, hearing "Al Gore" yell "Excelsior!" before attacks never got old.

How's the FFT interface for the iPhone?

If you can get over the ickiness of the prologue, you should be fine. I never could and stopped playing. I loved the first one, though.

Yes, arcane resistant armor helps in that fight, as do fire or lightning paper. Hide behind pillars and roll like a madman. Once he throws down his sword and it starts shooting daggers, try to put a pillar between the sword and you. You can stun Logarius (all humanoids can be stunned), so you can try that as well.

So much sploding! I came the closest with the Mantis ship when I had two burst lasers and a pike beam, but I never made it past the drone level. That one is by far the hardest out of the three fights.

Not much going on on the video game front, except for me continuing to play the shit out of FTL. I've hit a wall with trying to beat win with the Mantis ship, mostly due to the combination of the best weapons are not falling my way at the various stores. I'm still having fun, though, and isn't that what really matters?

Go see a doctor!

There's a-doin's a-transpirin'.

Nothing is worse than when he says "moon blood".

Now I really want Supergiant to make a survival horror game.

On the Twitters, Matt Gerardi said they didn't get an advanced copy and they are giving Joe Keiser the time he needs to do a thorough review.

Ugh! Ukrainian pre-teens are THE WORST!

Michael Palin's reaction is outstanding in that sketch.

Now I have the "Dennis Moore" theme song stuck in my head.

Gameological has been killing it lately! Keep up the good work everyone!

Sid Meier's Renaissance Patron

She won't notice at all, you'll be fine.

Pisco sours are great! I never made one at home though. It's the thought of mixing in egg white that makes it too complicated for me.

Man, that sounds good! Of course, if you have a shitload of limes you could always go the caipirinhas route.

Thanks Obama.