
I'm going to make a couple cocktails when I get home, in your honor (one for you and one for me) and as a gesture of goodwill to make you feel better. I'll make a toast to PaganPoet and apathy, then drink them both. Long story short, I need a drink. So, what's your drink of choice?

You don't even have to know anything about football! I do and I'm terrible at fantasy football!

General malaise?

The last game I pre-ordered was Bloodborne and I will probably always pre-order From Software games. Yes, Bloodborne had some issues cough-load times-cough, but they haven't let me down yet and their product is consistently great. I am considering pre-ordering Uncharted 4 and maybe the new Tomb Raider, but other

Last call for volunteers (well one volunteer) for the Gameological Block & Tackle Fantasy Football League! We would love to have one more lucky soul to commence in jolly cooperation. If you are interested, please go here (… for details.

BTW, once you get to Skellige you can go ahead and ignore every question mark located in the sea. I just saved you at least 4 hours.

Can you please add onomatopoeia action words after every video game you mention? It adds another layer of excitement to the comments section.

Look into my eye, I'm always serious. Good luck with your other league!

Creating the chaos yourself? You should join, it will be the most fun*!

Isn't that what fantasy football is all about? As I posted earlier way up there, if you'd like to join go to the discussion in the Gameological Community page for details. All we need is an email address to send the invite. Do it!

Nice! I'll check it out!

Exactly like that! Would you like to join the league?

Child of Light—like Hotline Miami—needs to be included on every best soundtrack discussion. This is the only time those games will be compared to each other in any sentence.

It doesn't sound like your brother has an amazing job at all.

You can't beat A scaling in strength and dex. I don't know how it hasn't been nerfed yet.

I heard that about spiders, so the first time I saw a distress signal about one, I ignored it. Space spiders are the only thing worse than regular spiders.

Once you get Ludwig's Holy Blade, you are set weapon wise in Bloodborne. It sounds like you are relatively close to getting it, too. If you have the Kirkhammer, you may want to switch to that for a while, until you get Ludwig's.

To Game That Tune!

That song is terrible.

Steam is really good at building backlogs.