
Rarely do we get to see vindication before our eyes, when we do it is glorious to behold.

This makes me wish Comedy Central would've developed his show. If he thought the jokes he was stealing were funny, then I'd hate/love/mostly hate to see what he could come up with himself.

Having never played another Witcher game before this, my opinion may be a little uninformed, but here goes: I got the distinct impression Geralt doesn't want to take everything over and finds the politics of everything very, very annoying. Even though the powerful people have unlimited resources at their disposal,

That would look snazzy with my fez!

Hatoful Boyfriend is downloading right now and nice Thunderpants reference.

You need to work for Merriam-Webster.

We are looking for more teams (currently sitting at 7 total) for our Gameological Block & Tackle Fantasy Football League. If you are interested in kicking my ass and hearing me complain about the Bears on a weekly basis, see Naked "The Commish" Snake for details!

Nice! I will check it out, until it gets spoiler-y.

Unfortunately, no great games are coming out for the PS4 this fall. I have had my eye on Hatoful Boyfriend. I know several people have played it, so is it worth it for the weirdness factor?

"Explore-'em-ups" needs to be permanently added to our vernacular.

Welcome to the club.

Yes, I stumbled across that one purely by accident.

Yes, I did know that. Whew!

I know! It's just funny that games I have poured an unbelievable amount of time into had things I didn't even know were possible. Let's recap:

The Rom fight was a big hurdle for me. UNSOLICITED ADVICE: I killed all of the spiders in the first wave, before I started to attack Rom and it definitely helped with crowd control later on. Use lightning paper, don't lock-on, hit Rom 2-3 times, then run away. Good luck!


Mila Kunis is racist?

How is Galaxy Trucker?

This. This is very important.