
Honestly, I think they should make Gameological t-shirts (plain white shirt, with the red button logo) and put them on the Onion's store. I'd totally buy one.

You should have a pin. I feel ashamed I got one and you do not have one. You're way more insightful than I am.

Where were you 100 hours of gameplay ago?!


I can see me getting a checklist, marking off the boxes, my wife coming into the living room, ask what I'm doing, then slowly shaking her head at my response, as she walks away.

I bought a ton from him, but there are three I am missing: Dragonoid, Spectre, and some other third thing.


Wait, you can shoot them without having to stop the boat, whipping your sword out, flailing wildly at the air, and potentially getting knocked into the water every 10 seconds?

I wouldn't have believed it either, until I saw photographic evidence a while back.


Yeah, I'm missing three manuscripts and have been frickin' everywhere. I hope to god they're not in the smuggler's caches in Skellige because I don't think I have the patience for that.

Holy shit? How did I not know Steve McNair died?! That's bananas!

You should join, too!

To which part?

Who knew drunken Witchers liked to play slumber party games?

Dude, you should join the Gameological Fantasy Football league (everyone should, actually). Get the details from Naked Snake.

Fuck yes, there are pins! They used to give them out every so often to great comments, but lately they've been handing them out to the people who get their E3 questions selected.

Me too. I went from feeling bad for Kenny to being frightened of him. He was too much of a loose canon and his anger got too many people killed.

You didn't recruit Garrus?! But he's the best thing ever!

My thumbs hurt just thinking about Guacamelee.