
I think the vitriol is summed up in this line: "Clumsy design, is clumsy design." If a game is so poorly designed that it is nigh unplayable, Gameological will not handle the review with kid gloves.

Balloon noises.

The last game I played where I enjoyed audio logs was South Park: The Stick of Truth. They were very well done.

Exactly what I was thinking.

I'd make a terrible pet.

No, they're AI, but there's nothing that says you can't have an AI for a pet.


I'm not saying I dislike Tepig, I'm just saying I would eat one if given the opportunity.

Why ARE you the commissioner? The perpetual problem with my team is I have good guys, they just never have good weeks at the same time. Last year I was involved in the top four biggest blowouts of the season (won two, lost two) and they were all in-a-row. Wait, why do I enjoy fantasy football?

Appa from The Last Airbender for all three questions.

Too soon!

Tepig would be delicious. I bet all of its fat is pre-rendered from its self-slow roasting.

Out of all the games Fashion Souls is the strongest in Dark Souls 2. You are very limited with the outfits and weapons in Bloodborne (run with the Knight's garb, Cainhurst gauntlets, Cainhurst leggings, and the top hat), but the combat in Bloodborne is second to none.

Can't wait to spend too much time over depth charts in order to go .500 in another league! It'll be mostly fun!

Oh man, that was the worst. I had to set the controller down and not move until it was over.

Mario Party 3 was the worst at that. The computer always managed to hose you in the last round, too. I hate to say a game is unfair, but Mario Party 4 is the most unfair video game to have ever been created.

Jaws of Hakkon was pretty good and the backstory on the Avaar was interesting, but there's nothing earth shattering that takes place. The best DLC has to be The Black Emporium, purely based on the special schematics sold there (best schematic in the game for a mage).

I never knew I wanted a Maxis collection, until you mentioned there should be one.

I've seen perfectly rational human being almost get into fist fights over Mario Party… one of those people was me. You can only have Boo steal a star so many times from a player before they snap. Andy, yes, alcohol was always involved when playing Mario Party.

Child of Light's soundtrack is amazing, too.