
I agree with Drinking_with_Skeletons, you should jump straight into Bloodborne. While Dark Souls is the better game, Bloodborne's combat is the best of the bunch. Plus you get to wear a top hat.

Sweet! I will hopefully get signed up tonight. I'm usually horrible with inventing new team names. I've been using "Shartnado" as a team name in one league I play in. My team quality/name synergy was off the charts, unfortunately.

You signed up for the league, Flim?

Shit, I need to go on Steam tonight and check the details. Is the league officially set up or are you still taking names?

I did not maintain that balance myself, but the main quests will hold for as long as you want. I don't know if this is true, but I heard "friend" missions should be completed as quickly as possible. I took my time getting around to one they gave me shit that it took me a while to meet up with them because I was more

Like many Gameolgicians here, my college experience included skipping many a class to play Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. However, on modern TVs both games can give you an instant migraine. Banjo Kazooie holds up well and my kids really enjoy that game.

Eric Andre and Eric Wareheim need to direct all the music videos.

This should have been A Very Special Episode article, but it fits nonetheless. I still get choked up thinking about Mr. Hooper:

Yes. Disqus is a paradox.

We're only allowed to talk about doubleplusgood things on Disqus.

It has to be served on a stick, right? Like fair food?

Yes, it's a surprise. He's gonna be stoked.

Flying Leonardo's glider in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood was one of the worst experiences I've had playing any video game.

I am taking my son with me (he's 12) and I did sign us up to play Wicked Grace, so I will definitely report back to all of you on how that worked. I also got him a seat to play a pre-release Pokemon tourney with an expansion deck that won't be released till later next month. His head will explode, since Pokemon is

Congrats on the new job!

Yes! This! I like the flashbacks, since this is my fist foray into the Witcher series and it's nice to get some backstory and badly needed exposition, but you are 100% correct that having to replay a flashback is completely unnecessary.

Yeah, eating sandwiches is hard with a giant eyeball. I hope me dumping a glass of water over my head every couple of minutes, so my eye wouldn't dry out, wasn't too off-putting.

I agree completely. The parts where you have to play as Ciri feel especially pointless to me. I don't know if they thought it would make you feel more connected to the character, but honestly just give me a cut scene to show what happened. Otherwise, I'm going to do with Ciri what I do with Geralt, explore ever

I love the zoomed in thousand yard stare they give you after you ask them to play cards.

Will do. This should be interesting.