
Congrats on all of those things, except the kidney stone and herniated discs!

I'm down for Fantasy Football! Normal stakes I play for are bragging rights and the first place team names the last place team for the following year.

I agree with Aussie50. Once you get the horsemaster and stop the mage and Templar fighting around the crossroads, go somewhere else for a bit, otherwise the Hinterlands will wear you out.

I would watch SGDQ this weekend, but I'm going to GenCon, instead. This will be my first time going and I have no clue what I'll do when I get there. I did see they are going to be playing Wicked Grace at some point, so I might check that out. Any recommendations from GenCon vets on what I need to check out? I'll be

That episode of Adventure Time was excellent!

I will have to check that show out!

That's just the sort of thing a traitor would say…

Yeah, I think there were a dozen episodes of just inner monologue.

Cool, thanks!

I liked their Cowboy Bebop reviews and wouldn't mind seeing them review a new series like Attack on Titan.

That's a good question! Also, does the voting have to be unanimous? And if two characters have a good relationship, how hard is it to convince one that the other is a traitor?

Quick question: if teammates can plot against you, is there a risk they can think you're the traitor and wind up killing you after a battle if you fail to convince them otherwise?

I want a velvet painting of the "Jesus Loves Juggalos" banner.

The average generation covers 20 years.

I was hoping as a society we could have forgotten this song (and band) were ever a thing.

Oh god, now you made me remember that "Steal My Sunshine" existed. Thanks.

A pathetically low 9,294. Not the greatest Threes player, but it is good for a break.

I was almost in a non-reloading situation, since an enemy was wandering around close enough to me that I had my sword out, but never got close enough for me to take a swing at it. Luckily it was at a ridiculously low level compared to me that I was able to kill it by lobbing a bunch of grenades at it and hitting it

Threes! is my go to procrastination game, when I'm working. It is also an awesome game.

Goddamn those fucking birds!