
King of the Monsters is a fantastic game! I wasted a lot of quarters on that one.

I spent most of my time in Destroy All Monsters Melee just trying to shoot things with my atomic fire breath.

The game that really needs to be made is a Godzilla wrestling game. I want to see Jet Jaguar and Ultraman in a tag team match with Godzilla and King Ghidorah. Sure Ghidorah doesn't have any arms, but he could clothesline the shit out of another kaiju with his tail. Also, think of the crazy moves Jet Jaguar could

You can always see the scene on Youtube. Very interesting wrinkle to the story.

SPOILERS: Solas will always leave, no matter what. Stick around after the credits, though for a very intriguing scene. Blackwall's story can go several different ways, but he can leave if you piss him off. There are other ways to get rid of him, too, but I don't know if I should give those away…

Still funny!

I went for a rift Mage and the first attack on the right side of the tree (can't remember the name) is powerful as shit!

I have not played any Witcher games, but I did read Kotaku's article about the backstory and lore. So, I have a basic understanding of the game. I will be reading all of the codexes I come across to keep up.

Do the Duke's Achives before Bed of Chaos, if you're worried about Seigmeyer's storyline. The next step in his story is there.

That makes sense. Solas is still a pompous dick, though.

Lightning Spears are great. The number of different builds you can do in DS2 are crazy. IMO, I think you have more build options than even DS1, especially when it comes to weapons. There are a ridiculous amount of weapons. There is no Balder Side Sword, but some really good options. If you want a quality build

Congrats! Gwyn's only challenge is how fast he is. Be glad you didn't miss a parry, he hits HARD.

The Uncharted series.

I hadn't noticed anything wonky about the responsiveness, I was just hitting the wrong buttons, like hitting "o" for roll instead of "x". It'll take some getting used to, but I'll be fine.

That might be a while. At the recommendation of you fine folks, I started the game on the second hardest setting and almost had my shit completely wrecked by a wolf. Even after the tutorial, I tried defending myself with Dark Souls controls. So, plenty of load screens for me.

Did you beat Dark Souls? Also, what are your impressions of Dark Souls 2? The correct answer is: it is great.

Captain Toad is totes adorbs in an awesome way.

He's a little more than annoying. He gets pissed off when people trash elves, but when your elf Inquisitor tells him that elf culture is important and needs to be revived, he gets pissed at you. Insufferable.

Oops! I always thought it was more of a jawbone necklace, but it is way more entertaining to think of it as a curled-toe shoe.

I have a PS4. Apparently, it was a problem for some people after you install the initial gigantic update. I'm lucky enough to be one of those people.