
Fuck no. I died three times (the first time I lasted 3 minutes, the other tow times I died right next to the fog door because of Havel) and moved on to NG+. Fuck the Gank Squad. The fact that water does not encumber their movement, but it does for you, and that Havel has infinite stamina is bullshit. I know a lot


Is Catherine pretty good? The game cover art has always been the main deterrent for me.

Once you get used to Child of Light's clunky dialogue, then you'll love the game. the combat is great, and the soundtrack is superb. It's just getting past the pointless rhyming dialogue that is the hardest, which stinks because the story is good, too.

I could go for a dark and stormy, right now.

Manus is one of those bosses I beat once and have no desire to fight, again. He is super tough and, you are correct, baby Sif is not very helpful, BUT serves as a distraction, which is huge. I let Manus beat up Sif , while I spammed him with Soul Spears. The fight was still tough and is took me maybe 6-7 tries (my

I did max out the friendship with Bebe because Bebe is awesome and like to spend my afternoons with Chihiro (because she is adorable). I do enjoy the friendship quests, but I am left with the ones I don't want to do (i.e. hanging out with the classmate who's dating a teach because ick!). Right now, I am in October

How does Enemy Within compare to Enemy Unknown? I'm asking because I have been thinking about buying EW for a while now.

Naughty Dog hasn't let me down, yet, so I'm pretty confident UC4 will be really good.

Cheers to that!

Bloodborne is not easy and, specifically, Ebrietas can fuck right off. Once you get into a rhythm, Bloodborne will make you feel cocky and that's when they'll get you. However, you may just be a video game god, in which case, enjoy smiting things mightily!

I think I might switch it up a bit and give Dark Souks 2 a rest (I won't) and fire up the PS3 (but it's all the way in the bedroom!). Might start a new game of Final Fantasy Tactics (maybe), Mass Effect (meh), or finally finish Persona 3 (thinking about it wears me out). In other words, I'm in a bit of a rut and I


Felipe misspelled Hannibal Buress, but he was delightful, so I don't think we should mind.

[cue Lee Greenwood, during the heart transplant scene]

Fair enough. For me, based on the preview, the uber-valiant, Marine brother and the line about Max saying the dog's as brave as a Marine and has the heart of a hero, or some shit, made the movie look like nothing more than a military recruiting tool. Apparently, there's a lot more weirdness to it, than expected.

No, it's a real dog. I saw a preview for this before seeing Inside Out. The amount of people in the theater that seemed to enjoy said preview was disconcerting.

Depends, are you currently crushing Red Bull and high fiving everyone that comes into your vicinity?

I played it on the Wii and enjoyed it immensely, even thought the Wii version's controls can be wonky. If I were you, I'd get the Okami HD for PS3 and get it right now.

They are, I'm talking about a new, new one. Think of the possibilities! And the newness!