
Nice! That's good to hear! I may have to get a new guitar, but nice to know the rest of the stuff works.

I just want a sequel to FF Tactics.

The guitar solo tech is definitely intriguing. Quick question: Can you use the guitars, drums, etc., from the PS3/360 versions or are they forcing you to buy all new "instruments"?

Matt, did LoPiccolo's staring last an entire song or was it less than 10 seconds (anything longer than that would be super creepy)?

Man, the video is even worse than I remember. The strings really nail the super seriousness of this song.

It was fucking everywhere! I've had the chorus stuck in my head, since I wrote that comment. Kill me.

Speaking of Canadian bands, I don't know what I would do if Sloan calls it quits!

Thank you for clarifying and that makes me feel better about liking Taggart. That stinks OLP is defunct, they were really good.

This is somehow worse than the collaboration that lead to the "Hero" song from the Spider-Man soundtrack. Check out this lineup of shit:

I'm going to hug my dog so hard, when I get home.

I don't know how I feel about that video. I'm wary, now.

Moonlight Butterfly? Hey, everyone has that one crazy boss they can't kill and leave it to Dark Souls to have it be a giant butterfly.

Oh wow! I never heard that about Sif! That sounds horrible!

I felt bad towards the end of the Sif fight, when he starts limping around. I never beat Demon's Souls, even though I really enjoyed it. I am right there, too. After about 20 seemingly cheap deaths at the hands of a couple red-faced knights, I gave up. I can't imagine how hard that Allant fit is, though.

Ornstein. He is very fast and in the second half of the fight, he gets really tough. My opinion means little, right now, as I can see your mind is already made up. So, if you like a big challenge and really want that spear, take out Smough.

Aw, man, this looks good! I'm all about turn-based strategy games. Beef jerky and a well done steak will also last you longer, while you're wandering the wastelands, too.

Have fun at Pride! I went to Indy's Pride weekend, last week, and had a blast!

Hell yeah, man! Glad you love that sword! The moveset is so good, too. BTW, the Silver Knight Spear is an excellent weapon that will definitely help in later portions of the game, since it is a divine weapon. Good luck in Anor Londo and get ready for the toughest boss fight in the game. You'll definitely need all

What wine would go best with FF9? I'm thinking a nice Shiraz.

Fuck yes, take all of my money!