
Wait, what's this about portable bonfires and sacrifices to summon?

I hope they have plans of porting XCOM 2 to consoles.

You can start with Inquisition, but you might want to go through the backstory via Dragon Age Keep:

You hit the nail on the head: what is this game about other than flying around and landing on planets?

Once, again, this proves the Gameological staff (for having the idea of having the commetariat ask the developers questions) and the commetariat (for asking such awesome questions) are the best things on the interwebs. Also, Wattam looks so unbelievably crazy that I have to play it.

Touché. If spider ladies that vomit lava are your thing, then DS1 was sexy as hell.

Everything except the very beginning of Cainhurst is great. I played Bloodborne obsessively enough that I got platinum (which I have never done for any video game). I agree that the variety of builds is lacking, but the combat is sooooo good. I just wish you could upgrade armor because it is pretty worthless in that

Yeah, that fight sucked. I finally figured out that once it rips its arms off for extended range attacks, you immediately run underneath it and whack away at its legs. It will always do the jump attack away from you. Then you run up from behind and do it again. It will take a while, but it works.

First half of 2016 is all I heard.

Yeah, I've never fully understood you summon a Blue Sentinel to help you out, either.

The PS4 version of DS2 is really good and switching enemy locations keeps you on your toes. HOWEVER, their solution to some levels is to triple the amount of enemies in an area, which is not awesome. This isn't Bloodborne, where you have the agility to take out large packs of enemies. It can be quite frustrating, at

That guy is an amusing asshole.

I'm so-so on PvP, but it usually winds up as a good fight. I will say the last two invaders will dickbags. Normally, you pause, wave, then fight. Last two guys attacked me, when I waved, no hesitation. I really enjoy being a sunbro and helping people out more than PvP.

That guy is an asshole.

That's a shame you didn't like Bloodborne. I was hoping to see what crazy shit you'd do on your blog with it.

I saw that bundle, hell of a deal!

I don't fully understand all of the shade thrown at Dark Souls 2. Yes, a couple things could be tweaked here and there (like recycling bosses), but From's B team did a heck of a job with that game. It is not better than Dark Souls 1, but it was better than 90% of the games released that year.

That sounds like a great game!

Mom? Dad? Please stop fighting!

That's a good question! I'm curious if there's anything to play, yet, or if it is just the trailer? I want to know if they'll have the DS2 teleport between bonfires immediately system or the Bloodborne teleport back to a hub just to rest the level (which is not conducive to grinding souls/echoes).