
Agreed. Also, the N7 Valkyrie you get in the Omega DLC is the best rifle in the game. Not sure if it's worth it just to get a gun, though.

Demon's Souls has an awesome atmosphere and really interesting levels, but the combat is worst of the lot, the equipment management sucks (consumables should NOT count towards equipment weight) and some levels are just absolutely brutal (Valley of Defilement, I'm looking at you). It's definitely an interesting game

Pro-tip on Mass Effect: Save Noveria for next to last. The end fight will shred you, if you go in too early.

I will definitely pass that along, thanks!

I figured 12 is about the right age to try a good RPG. He also got the Ultimate NES Remix, which has a shitton of classic games on it. I'm excited for him to play Metroid for the first time, too.

I romanced Cassandra with one of my characters and I thought is was very well done. She's a pretty complicated character. You could always romance a certain mage [cough] Dorian [cough] you will be meeting very soon and is one of my favorite characters in the game. That was probably the best romance in any video

Congrats, to you, as well!

Citadel is the best one. As long as they include that, I'd be happy.

I've never played it, myself, since my parents wouldn't let me get an NES or SNES (even using my own money), I just went off the recommendations of everyone here. So on weekends or during the summer, I would go over to a buddy's house and play those games. I will probably give Chrono Trigger a shot, when he's done

Let us (well, me) know what you think of the New 3DS XL. I've been eyeing them for a little while, now.


This weekend, I will be finishing up my first run on Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin. I managed two best two bosses that I never have before: the Blue Smelter Demon (with the help of two players) and the Darklurker. The sense of pride I got from killing those things was ridiculous. Now, all I have left is the

Is the guy in the header image amazed at what he's seeing or dry heaving?

As it was and as it should be.

Playing for burgers is a noble quest. Also, Yzerman is the man! The Wings' roster 1995-1998 is friggin' insane (as a Wings fan, I am totally biased in this opinion).

"git gud" is the first step leading towards those comments. The next step is you trying to defend yourself, THEN getting incoherent misogynistic, homophobic, racist rants thrown at you.

Exactly! The risk meter made absolutely no sense and goes against all video game instincts, which are to whale on an enemy when given a chance. Once the affinities were included in the weapon system, I was lost. That really stinks because I like the world, atmosphere, and story.

Why skip chocobo racing? It's really fun, at first.

I have no qualms about this game, good sir, as I enjoy the Yoshi games. I was just surprised the "maybe you shouldn't suck so bad" comments were actually thrown out there.

I agree. I popped in Goldeneye a year ago and could barely discern what was happening on the screen. It was awful.