
Fuck. Yes. Great game!

I think this the first time I have seen one "git gud" comment here on Gameological, let alone two. I hold you responsible for making that happen @Dikachu:disqus!

I really, really liked Vagrant Story, but I never got a grasp of the weapon system. If you are going to have a complicated upgrade system for your weapons, at least explain it in some way.

Kindergarten?! That means you are still young enough to have hopes and dreams.

Mine would be playing NHL 95 and trying to make people's heads bleed. Tie Domi worked well for this situation.

*counters noogie with the purplest nurple you've ever seen*

Question 1 is very important and Question 2 is really good!

As are all things gamergate related. Glad to see it was taken down so quickly.

Extra points if they say "Xbone".

I have no idea what that person said, but that hammer you just dropped was impressive.

Comedy Central was the best at that time. I remember on Saturdays they'd air MST3K, the Flying Circus, and KitH all in a row. Good shit.

Great question! Unfortunately, I imagine the answers will be prefaced with a lot of uncomfortable "ums" and "uhs".

Aw, man, I was expecting a Kuribo's Shoe question…


Yeah, you're right. I feel like there should be a hyphen in there, which, again, would not make it any better.


Well, based on the actual gameplay, I'd die right after punching a werewolf in the face with my useless fist.

Or all three of those things! I'd play the shit out that game!

Goddamn, this is a good question! Hey, everybody, show's over, His Space Holiness has got this one!