
Not to mention Dark Souls 3 is going to be announced!!!!

Nothing worse than a space racist.

Is it longer than Skyrim or Inquisition?

Nah, no one is going to jump all over you here because you like a game. From all I hear, Heavy Rain is a good game. It's just David Cage that people find irritating.

What am I going to play this weekend, when I'm not doing yard work (it never fucking ends!)? Dragon Age: Inquisition Jaws of Motherfucking Hakkon that's what! My expectations are high.

So, does the story only mode cut out a lot of the exploring or does it cut out boss battles?

Even the goose is white!

Cool! Now I just need friends in order for that to happen.
[sad trombone]

So you live in Chicago?

Wouldn't you?

True. Quick! Let's change the subject before the rest of the internet notices! Uh… Sooooo, the weather outside is fabulous, today! Absolutely beautiful!

Maybe they are referring to The Witcher 3 being populated by only white people? If so, that is a valid point, albiet maybe not worded as such. Polygon has a good editorial about it.

That does it, this review finally tipped the scales in deciding to get the game. Thanks, Gameological, for making me spend money.

I'd add "I'm Only Sleeping", "I Feel Fine", and "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away" to that list.

It's bright orange and I didn't see it coming! How did I not see it coming?!

She really should've paid attention to the claws in the waiver she signed about keeping the windows rolled up.

Good point. I thought my Tolkien knowledge was ridiculously vast! You, sir, are on another level.

Shit, you're right. Cirdan gave Gandalf the ring, when they met, because he didn't completely trust Saruman. He would have had the ring before the events of The Hobbit. I feel ashamed forgetting the timetable.

Completely agree. The only reason I could see them not being invisible is because Galadriel and Elrond both had rings of power (Cirdan had yet to give Gandalf his ring; yes I am a nerd), but then they would've been the only ones to see the Nazgul. It might have made for a more interesting fight with the Elves being

They were awful! I don't know what happened because they looked great in Fellowship.