
Correction: There is nothing fun about the Dol Guldur subplot. The fight scene, there, in the last movie was fucking terrible.

Here you go.

Skip the three Hobbit movies, they are fucking awful, but the LotR movies are really good. As others have said, have them read the books first, they're better than all of them.

Depends on the requirements. I don't think my very basic laptop can handle it.

Ugh, Sim's misogynistic rant in that article was really tough to read.

Frozen or slightly melted? If it was frozen and you snapped pieces off with your hands, you must have Hulk strength!

This game being PC only makes me sad and I will use this as an excuse to drown my sorrows in beer.

No! PC ONLY?!?!?!?!?!

They were really good, but I'd go with another Japanese band for best musical guest: Cibo Matto. "Birthday Cake" kicked my ass.

Not sure, I haven't ventured there, yet, but I'll let you know.

Goodie. Yeah, I attacked the first dragon warrior I saw. You mean you can just attack the giant dudes and be just fine, otherwise?

Challenge accepted!

And spiders.

If a Souls boss offers you a way to cheese it, you gladly accept said cheese. A victory is a victory in that franchise.

Maybe that's Congress' problem: they're too busy playing Threes! to get anything done.


My high score is 9,294. Not very good, but I love that game.

This weekend I will be out of town, so no video games for me, except possibly Threes!.

This was a fascinating video and I would have never been able to piece all of this together, myself. It was all too obscure for me, but I loved it all the same.

Adopting kids in Skyrim. My Argonian is the best lizard dad ever!