
I haven't played Portal, either. I need to get on that.

And the only time this game ends is when it snows or you die.

Not taking the time to smith? That's a paddlin'.

The sorcerer class makes the beginning of the game easier. Blasting things in the face with Soul Arrows and Spears is very satisfying. If you do go that route, here are a couple things to keep in mind:

I cannot wait for my children to be old enough to mow. That will be a great day.

It's beautiful, hard-to-concentrate-at-work weather, over here.

Anything is more logical than Time Compression.

"Timey-wimey"? Did they bring back "Time Compression" for this one?

I found Guacamelee to be fun, but there are waaaaaay too many things to keep track of, especially while trying to jump. It's bright, lively, and I haven't had a game make my thumbs hurt in a long time.

In NG+, it's very satisfying annihilating everything in your path that gave you fits in the first go round.

This is the second weekend in a row that I'm not sure what I'm going to play, other than Yard Work 3D. I may try my hand at the Mulch Layer and Gutter Cleaner expansion packs, with the ultimate boss fights Lower Back Pain and Rickety Ladder. I'll probably follow those up with Drink the Beer and Meat Griller: Broiled

So the creative team consisted of a sex offender and a Gamergater? I feel dirty for liking Eternal Darkness , now.

I'm sad they cancelled the sequel to Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge.

Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick! Everybody knows that a burrow owl lives in the a hole in the ground! Why the hell do you think they call it a burrow owl, anyway?!

Yes, singing orphans with dead, CG eyes.

And there will be one that tries to pick your pocket and you'll catch him (it will be a boy because Ubisoft) and tell him to you were like him once. Then you'll say some stern words to him, but give him the money in the end because, deep down, you've got a heart of gold.

I want this to happen so bad!

They're totally going to be orphans. There's nothing more English than orphans.

The Minutemen AND Bill Bragg? That'd be one hell of a show!

Yeah, you're probably right. Big Head's incompetence probably lead them to have an "out of site, out of mind" attitude,