
I find it interesting the Pied Piper guys have never discussed Big Head being promoted so quickly within Hooli, nor have they seemed concerned that Big Head is being referred to as "co-founder of Pied Piper". They would've had to have heard of this by now, right?

Completely agree. Although, having kids has trained me to function at basic levels with little sleep, leaving me with just enough energy to make coffee, so I can continue shambling along.

So it begins…

They really were. The only rule of the tournament was you couldn't be Oddjob or the female scientist, since they were such small targets.

This comment makes me want to go home, right now, and play all of the video games with my kids. All of them.

In college we had a GoldenEye tournament on my floor. We drew names out of a hat and paired up. One guy had a giant tube TV (weighed a metric ton) large enough to place a poster board divider down the middle of the screen, so we couldn't see where the other team was by looking at the screen. Oh! And we had beer,

Dang! I forgot you've previously indicated you're Canadian. You can get them on Amazon for pretty cheap, too.

Dude, you have my sympathies. My oldest picked it up, once he hit 1st grade from all of the other kids at school. You could get a starter deck (I think you can get one for like $8 at Target) and just go from there. There are also Pokemon handbooks (they have a bajillion Pokemon and all of their special moves and

Yes, there are quite a few twin blood shards.

The sectopod can eat the whole bag.

I will definitely read that. Quick question: if I haven't played any of the Witcher games (I don't have a gaming PC, nor an XBox), would you recommend getting the third entry? I ask knowing you've played the series quite a bit.

On top of one. Which just makes me think of Pleasure Town in Anchorman.

Injuring your tongue in a not-fun way has got to be the worst.

Ellie IS awesome and she is helper type a la Elizabeth.

Happy birthday! Now that you're 30, stuff will start hurting for no reason whatsoever, like waking up sore.

Apparently, you can have sex on a unicorn in The Witcher 3. So there's that.

Yes. Yes, it is.

But the fat dude is voiced by the guy who played Dan in Deadwood! That makes it pretty cool, right? Honestly, the combat in The Last of Us is alright. It plays like a really good version of Uncharted. The story is where that game shines. You're still early on in the game, give it time.

My first trek through Sen's Fortress was an infuriating and stressful one. Be patient, keep your shield up, and know the camera is not your friend. Good luck!

It's both optional and the entrance is behind two illusory walls, so you can easily miss it. Those platforms become even more treacherous with all of the crystal lizards roaming about.