
Apparently. I'm just surprised it has remained so popular/consistently good for decades. It's also curious to see kids use Pokemon as an ice breaker in social situations. There are many times I've seen my oldest ask another kid what their favorite Pokemon is and then have a 10 minute conversation about the series.

I recently played Mario Kart 8 with my oldest and he fucking destroyed me. He threw me some shade, too. I was infuriated and proud at the same time. It was a weird feeling.

I have yet to play a Witcher game and was considering trying 3, when it came out, but your description makes it sound skeevy as hell, especially the card thing. That's some creepy Gene Simmons kind of shit.

The text where he tries to tell one of the guys to relax and that he didn't do anything illegal (I'm paraphrasing, but this text is in the article I linked to) is pretty damning.

I have two sons (11 and 7) and Pokemon reigns supreme in my house (both the cards and video games). I missed out on the whole Pokemon phenomenon, so listening to them talk about the different types and strategizing about what moves work best against other Pokemon is like listening to another language.

I hope they let you move and shoot at the same time in the Resident Evil game.

I read that as "SHARTS A DYNASTY", instead of "STARTS A DYNASTY". Still seems appropriate.

I am fascinated by their text messages. If anything is clear, they hated Tom Brady. Of course, his texts back to those guys look pretty bad for him.


No one screams like Frank Black.

That's not an easy Neko Case song to listen to at work.

Dude, Hum! Man, that brings me back. I have to dig out You'd Prefer an Astronaut, now.

Hell yeah, "Kiwi Maddog 20/20"!

This is fun!

That'll make you stop feeling feelings for a while.

How much scotch did you consume, after finishing those?

He was way too unhinged for my liking. Jane was a survivor who could teach Clem how to make it in that crazy world.

Old Yeller is a perfect comparison for Kenny. [posts up for high five]

Are we the same person?!

I'm surprised the Vita has the processing power to render a female protagonist! Does it overheat, after 10 minutes of gameplay?