
Wolfenstein is pretty great. The supporting cast is pretty interesting and they cut out so much fluff in the game. Sixteen hours is about the perfect run time for an FPS. Most importantly, stuff splodes real good in that game.

I don't even care if is revived! I just want an HD version of it to play on my PS4.

Why is swimming in video games the worst?

I'm picturing Mark the Ninja wearing sweat pants, tank top (with pit stains), and sweat bands on his head and wrists.

Who knew cutting out the Animus and Abstergo would make for a more streamlined and better experience?

Cronin hasn't led me astray, so far. Going to pickup my copy today!

Glitz Pit was awesome.

There is no excuse why I haven't played this game. I feel ashamed, now.

Yes! Man, Quelaag was another great boss fight. Dark Souls nailed boss fights.

He's a smart fellow. If you liked his choice for video game music, you need to read his excellent blog:

Hey! The Cubs are playing well, right now, which can only lead to pain. The more I think about it, the more I think Blashill is the way to go. Game 4 killed me watching it on TV, can't imagine watching it live.

The Gaping Dragon in Dark Souls. The slow reveal, let alone its shear enormity, makes this boss intimidating from the get go. While it may not be the most difficult fight, the design of this beast is quite possibly the best I've seen in any video game. Add the urgency to the swirling score and the fight really gets

Great playlist, gang! I love these inventories.

Agreed. The crying ghost ladies don't help the situation, either.

Yes. My first character had 40 strength and 40 skill at the end of my first run (I only put points in vitality, endurance, strength, and skill). With a +10 Ludwig you hit like a truck.

Blighttown is nowhere near as bad as the Valley of Defilement (nothing is). Back to the dragon, yes, it'll fly away if you approach it from the bonfire. To get it to come back, go to a different area, rest at a bonfire, then try running across the bridge. The dragon will come back, fire breath and all.

Depending on your build, there is a way to cheese the Hellkite Dragon with a bow. I'm not going to tell you how, but there are many videos on Youtube. I am not ashamed to say I've used this method almost every time I've played the game.

Also, you should enjoy this (especially the end).

I really, really need to break down and get this game.

I cannot argue with this.