
If you look it up, there are only five dungeons you need to complete to get to the final boss. However, you do get a lot of valuable blood gems by completing the other dungeons.

If you don't, then you are devoid of emotion.

"Crystals" is the mother of all earworms. I am going to listen to it right now.

You make a good point.

You know what goes great with fire pits? Beer.

The ending stuck with me for a while. I want to experience that for the first time, again.

I know, it's baffling. Usually the Caps' D has been their downfall or no one scoring other than Ovie or Backstrom, but Barry Trotz has them on the right path.

If you do a quality build (strength/skill) use Ludwig's Blade, it gets a B scaling in both stats. It is a boss slayer.

Cainhurst is my favorite level in the game.

Sounds like you recovered nicely from the chrysalid ordeal.

Excellent as always!

I didn't tackle the Chalice Dungeons until late in NG+. That way I flew through the first set quickly. It was satisfying annihilating everything in my path.

Yeah, the final boss is very interesting.

Did you get the Blood Stone? That makes exploring Mensis worth it.

Spam him with the quickest weapon you have or run. Either one is effective. Don't bother trying to parry him, he's too quick for that.

Awesome! Now, I want that for my ringtone!

Tampa is FAST. I think the Habs will be fine, since they have Price and are more physical than Detroit, but Tampa did go 5-0 versus Montreal, this year. It will be a very good series and definitely go 7 games.

Agreed, I want the Evelyn right now! I bet that thing packs a hell of a punch with 40 bloodtinge. I am currently using the axe and I think it may be the best weapon in the game. The range, when it is extended, is outstanding.

That Ward goal was awesome, but Ovie's wrister was unreal. I like the Caps chances against the Rangers.

I usually play the Hotline Miami soundtrack at work, when I need to hunker down and write a big report. The bleeps and bloops provide a focused energy, while writing an otherwise bland scientific report.