
Transistor deserves an automatic entry in any article about video game music.

I'm with you on the last part. My big problem is I never carry cash with me, so any time I've been to one of these places I just drink beer and watch my friends play games. Standing over their shoulder and taunting will always be fun to me. I am a good friend.

Agreed. Dark Souls 2 with it's readily available upgrade materials definitely has the upper leg in that regard.

Yes, it would probably be redundant. I will say, Ludwig's two-handed mode friggin' destroys things and Kirkhammer's two-handed makes enemies fly, when you hit them. It's very satisfying. As boring as the saw cleaver is, it's probably your best bet. Maybe try the stake driver? I don't know, I've never used it.

Yeah, In the West is pretty killer.

Kirkhammer. Always Kirkhammer.

The AV Club

Sweet! I was looking for a new game to serve as a palate cleanser for Bloodborne and it looks like this will fit the bill.

Thinking about Silkworm just makes me sad. Firewater is a great album.

It's hit or miss, but I agree, it has some really great tracks on there.

I'm with you. Keep It Like a Secret was my introduction to the band and will always be my favorite.

Their cover of "Twin Falls" is pretty great.

Congrats, man! NG+ is difficult, but the upgraded gear makes up for it. Micolash deserves to be cheesed, that is an obnoxious fight.

I would suggest adding "Trimmed And Burning" from Ancient Melodies of the Future. Sure that album does not get a lot of love, but the guitar work on this song is everything that I love about Built to Spill.

Thanks for the advice! Goddamn chrysalids, get you every time.

I picturing Toad holding up a perfectly ironed shirt, saying "I'm the best!"

You don't want to know…

And it would be charming and have a complicated and heart-warming backstory.

So, Mario smells like a man who has worn the same viscera covered clothes for 34 years (including wearing overalls at the beach), while wearing a jumper made out of hollowed-out raccoon?

I bet the inside of the Tanooki Suit smells like nightmares.