
Goddamn chrysalids.

I don't think I've ever panicked more playing a game, than when chainsaw guy burst into the house I was hiding in.

Alfalfa should've never stole Smelly's bit.

The ever spooky sound of creaking doors.

Great, now Fluka will be in a worse mood.

Yeah, that'll do it.

I've heard that, too, but have no clue how you go about trying to talk to him.

I missed it the first time, too, and got your scenario. Eileen was a tough fight.

Stupid ghost whistles get you every time!

Definitely keep us posted on how the party/celebration/panel discussion shindig goes. Sounds interesting and for a good cause!

Since I haven't finished the Chalice Dungeons, I am going to say yes. I do think they are different. I've eaten enough crow, in my life, that if I'm wrong, so be it.


Do you keep it in your pocket? I'd give you looks if I saw you pull a Rubik's Cube out of your pocket and start fiddling with it.

"I've somewhat burned out on videos games, recently…"

I have a feeling the locked door in Byrgenwerth will play a part in some DLC.

I completely missed that fight in my first run, so I had to fight Eileen in the Grand Cathedral. That wasn't fun, either.

Great article! It's a good read and, you are correct, a perfect distillation of what makes this series great.

Is Loran the cursed dungeon?

I should correct myself, there are two hunters she faces. One after Father G and you can help her in this fight. The other one appears after Rom in the Grand Cathedral. You find Eileen outside of the Catherdral all fucked up, then fight the hunter inside. The dude has a katana, a super-powerful double-barreled,

Hmmm… Use a wiki to find the flame sword as soon as you can and you will enjoy life more in the first couple of levels. One nice thing about the game is there are items you can collect that allow you to re-spec your character, so there's no real way to mess-up your build. Also, you can repair Rings of Life