
I have been purposely keeping myself in the dark about the game, so I know nothing about that. Thanks for ruining everything!!!!!!!!

Agreed. Also, between Child of Light and Valiant Hearts, Ubisoft should just stick to publishing indie titles.

When a character in Dark Souls tells you that it's not a good idea to attack them, you listen to that character.

That's the strategy. I usually stand with my back to the ledge, too, to try and funnel her, then wildly swing at nothing in front of me, until she walks into it.

Sweet job, dude, and happy early birthday!

Fuck. Those. Archers. Good on you, man! I've gotta get back to Dark Souls (1 or 2) just to refresh my dodging skills in preparation for March 24th! It comes out three days earlier than you're expecting! BLOODBORNE!!!

Priscilla is tricky to fight, since she turns invisible once you hit her. You have to look at footprints in the snow to see where she is (usually right behind you at all times). Dark Souls!

Unreasonably hairy arms?

Proops seemed way more game (no pun intended) than Cenac did. Great stuff!

Dude, keep us posted on Chicken Caesar, sounds very intriguing!

Thanks to @Chum Joely I bought Hotline Miami and played the shit out of it, last week. I haven't felt so much satisfaction beating a game since Dark Souls. The last boss fight was especially challenging and rewarding to beat. I'm now working on unlocking all of the masks and weapons. Also, the soundtrack is

And I thought my hometown couldn't get anymore lame. Touché, Springfield.

I get what you're saying, now. Yes, a distinction should probably be made, BUT the subject matter is still friggin' awful.


I had to look that up and, yes, I essentially made the same argument as Jack Thompson. I will, however, stand by my opinion that rape porn video games are awful and shouldn't be a thing.

Agreed. I'd rather people explore that shit with a video game, too (which I feel awful saying), but at some point the game probably isn't cutting it anymore, then there's the horrific possibility of it spilling over into reality. It's sickening to know this genre of video games exists.

Humans are awful.

True, but I'd lean more towards "CGI does not equal plot". A video game can have wonderfully animated breasts, but if the story and game play stink, who cares? That is unless your goal was to make Boobs: The Video Game, then mission accomplished.

Maybe developers should focus less on boob physics and more on making a good game. Just a suggestion.

Alright, I'll bite. Is there a point to this?