Snatch Gaming

I can’t speak to that show, but they do that on Property Brothers because the people are dumb shits and don’t understand what they can buy for their money.  It’s a reality check.  Either that or it’s all staged anyways so who cares.

We did find a new house a couple years ago and since then I would say over 2/3 of the houses that have been bought in the neighborhood are being renovated to sell. It’s kind of a downer since you like the idea of meeting new neighbors/seeing what they’re all about.

Yeah House Hunters Int’l is great for seeing the shock of my fellow Americans when they realize that in most of the world, including Europe, what’s considered adequate living space is much smaller than it is here.  

Did the car get stolen on the show or in real life? Because those “side stories” are always fake as hell. One time they bought a place that supposedly someone had a party in when it was vacant. It was so obviously staged, just like every time Tarek worries if they’re going to lose money on a flip, which they literally

I’m not in those industries at all but my theory has always been that they’re not including labor in those dollar amounts. HGTV is either paying it or they’re convincing some contractor to not charge it because of the free publicity. I understand there are different costs of living depending on the area, but there is

I wouldn’t always call it hate-watching, but I like House Hunters for that “meta game” many of us play while watching. It’s often just ragging on rich people and their ridiculous standards, but I also like to think about practical matters.  Picking a house for certain features at the expense of kids having their own

An ad is happening.

So many instances of “actually”, “keep in mind”, or “you have to understand” in these comments. A good number of episodes were kind of shitty. It’s okay. We’ll get through this.

Why do people who mention the sunk cost fallacy always have no idea what they’re talking about? It is a sunk cost to use themes that people enjoy and have proven to be popular? Are we really going to pretend that there isn’t a metric fuckton of new media being constantly greenlit these days? Please.  

“they’re terrible to contemplate”

I thought everyone knew this by now, but a ton of comments point to the contrary.  To me the stories are still great horror.  It’s just unfortunate that it’s such an easy genre to inject one’s personal racism into.  If you don’t read them as Lovecraft’s personal treatise on racism, they still work, regardless of

I’m enjoying it. Some of the cop tropes are annoying (tortured soul who can’t relax even when put on leave because he’s that into his work!) and I think that crafting a real world explanation and story would be more interesting than “because the supernatural”, but it’s King after all.  I think the actors are good,

I think I have to be in.

Something something Japan

Honestly for a quick bite I don’t mind them, mostly because cheese, but the biggest problem is the ratio of bread to other stuff, especially if you dare overcook them for even ten seconds.  All you get is a hollowed out piece of cardboard, which is worse than a piece of cardboard with cheese and something you think

Early days but I think it looks awesome.  They went all out with the aesthetics.

I guess we’re going to tie the MCU into every conversation about movies for the foreseeable future.......

It’s also somewhat slow and awkward and you can’t help but wonder why so many people enjoy this train.

Is it really free (at least right now)?  Sorry I am pretty much out of the loop on stuff like this, though I do need to upgrade.

God love you if you’ve ever read and completed The Turn of the Screw. I tried and failed.