
Sony’s SSD expansion is such a mess. Even if the 3rd party SSD meets Sony’s exact specifications, Sony themselves state that it may not even work. Honestly almost makes me wish that Sony made their own proprietary PS5 storage expansion SSDs simply to just avoid not dealing with this nonsense. Plug and play Sony. Plug

As long as they dedicate an entire episode based on the original Driver’s tutorial, that’s fine with me.

This is the retro-style bike with the performance chops to match that’s not an MV(everyone wants an MV until they actually own one) that everyone has been wanting for years now.

I imagine taxi gangs are the same all over the world. They know the ins and outs of the city and have a ton of information and possibly dirt on individuals. They make great informants.

Log and wood chip truck drivers are the absolute worst on the road today.

Looks like truck drivers are asshats all over the world instead of just the United States.

Yea, no.

This game looks like Zelda and Animal Crossing combined but uses generic Miis as characters.

This game is gonna be so badass!

Sorry about losing your job. Well, not really. One less careless truck driver on the road.

Left lane hogs.

Catering to the Colorado transplants, I see. At least these will have more power than the Subarus.

Did you even read the article? He went on and on about the limitations of software based emulation compared to hardware based emulation. Holy crap people.

Considering Sony’s current plans for Playstation, I’m guessing that they’re going to focus on AAA blockbusters while completely abandoning smaller publishers and indie devs. It makes me sad to see a cool indie game only to find out it’s only available on Switch and Xbox.

I haven’t. I have watched a bunch of gameplay videos and it looks pretty good. But it’s definitely for the DH and freeride crowd. Reminds me of SSX but with bikes. It’s not overly exaggerated like Rider’s Republic. If I were more of a DH/freeride guy, I would probably jump on the game. But I’m more of an all-mountain

It’s a fine line to walk. Arcadey fun and thrills and believable physics. You can’t really go too far in one end or the other.

I’m a pretty avid and serious mountain biker(trail, all-mountain, enduro racing). Like, I probably spend 20-30% of my earned money on my bike(s) and trips with my bike. The speeds in this game are unrealistic and overly exaggerated and the physics are wonky. But I guess games would rather see 60mph rather than 40mph.

I’m glad I have the original digital only PS5 on launch day. Heat is the enemy.

Looks janky.

It’s hard to separate the art from the artist.