
I don’t think she has any room to say anything to anyone after coming in dead last in the Nike Prefontaine Classic.

Mazda screwed this release up. 100 miles WITH a rotary range extender would have been acceptable. But 150 miles on just straight battery should be the absolute bare bones minimum for any EV coming out nowadays.

Well, well, well. Pigs strike again.

Don’t you fucking try to ‘both sides’ this.

Pre-facelift version looks better. This looks like it has a ninja turtle grin.

GTFOH with that victim blaming bullshit. I hope you’re the victim one day and people like you blame you for being the victim.

Dealer knew they can get more money selling a lightly used(but lightly hooned) 21 C8 than a brand new 22 C8.

BRZ. At 9/10s even with stock all seasons, it doesn’t get much better/

Shoulda been a wagon.

So it’s just like RDR2.

This car looks fucking great.

I like both. I honestly wouldn’t mind one over the other all things considered. I know I’d drive the hell out of, and enjoy either one just the same.

I bet it’s going to look samey-same as this generation inside and out.

Are they still using the old old old CLI(?) interface OS? I left NC in 2018 and moved to KCMO. MO has the worst DMVs of any place I’ve ever lived. Even worse than CA where I grew up.

Are you serious? You find out that Hades has a 2nd form ONE TIME. Literally just once. And no, the first time you beat Hades, you don’t even really have a strategy until you beat him several times. And it’s a roguelike. Curveballs are literally 80% of the game. It’s not bad game design. It is the game design.

Can confirm. Lived in NC for about 6 years. They’re probably the better DMVs of any state I’ve been to. Mainly because the license office and DMVs are separate entities and the wait times(pre-COVID) weren’t all that painful. And they’re real sticklers for paperwork.

Sportscars and hot hatches, manual. Everything else, automatic.

It doesn’t look ugly or anything, but the front end looks like one of those weird not-very-well-known supercars from small, obscure companies. Or something straight out of a GTA game. Kinda low-rent looking. I think Acura could have done a better job with a less is more approach rather than over-styling it.

CTR engine and transmission in a 2-door fastback? If so, count me in!

This list sucks.