
As a Jew, these are my exact thoughts. It’s disgraceful how much we are complicit with white bullshit as if they won’t turn against us if things get any worse, like they always do. Not that that is what matters, what matters is this is atrocious, regardless of what a white supreme cost would do to the judge if he

I swear he’s stating that slavery is a valid system as long as it’s not done based on one’s thought of being superior to another. So, if you agree Horn is an equal, you should then be able to enslave him (though you wouldn’t get any work out of his sniveling ass). 

Let me tl:dr the article for you:

It's an example of how we white people are experts at not looking at the non-white world. We're raised to just not even know if exists.

I wouldn’t use the blanket “Islam oppresses women” but instead “Abrahamic religions are inherently mysoginostic and many denominations of all three major groups use strict dress codes as a way to control the activities of women”.

Look at Geraldo. He complained to the Fox & Friends staff about “send her back” being racist, and in order to show how they weren’t racist, they told him he could go back, too.

I am an Asian American man, and I think that Asian American women have achieved “white adjacency” or are at least pretty close. 

To my fellow asian brothers and sisters, white people arent looking out for you. They never will no matter how much they say they have “yellow fever”. You will never become one of them by adjacency. You will get kicked to the curb when everyone is gone too. REMEMBER THE CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT!

I still recall his tweet on election night 2016....


If we flip the races a bit, I suspect the police and media interpretation would be a tiny bit different.

Ashley, I’m so sorry you’ve drawn this beat.

We are ordinary Americans. Get fucked.

Didn’t Barbara Lee ditch Sanders this time around and back Harris?

Get ready to punch. Remember both Bernie and AOC campaigned against Sharice Davids in her 5-way primary. They are here to sabotage. Nothing more.

The Daily Mail is such a racist piece of shit. It’s not even subtle. Good for Malia.


The NAACP sent a urgent blast for members to write their representatives on these child separations back in May or June. I wrote to everyone, even my state-level reps while I was at work! My 3 levels up mgr stopped and asked why I looked so upset. When I told him, no lie, this father of four said flippantly,”Well,

Every headline about this terrible story should be, Child Dies In Trump Concentration Camp.

I don’t understand why people give these assholes a pass, is it that there is so little talent out there that woman beaters and dog shit like Tekashi are allowed to flourish. Charlemagne eats this cats ass when there are tons of starving emcees out there.