Shhh. Let them get woke about Tulsi on their own time. They’re too busy celebrating her wicked sick burn.
Shhh. Let them get woke about Tulsi on their own time. They’re too busy celebrating her wicked sick burn.
What did Maiysha say about your acid washed jeans?
It’s Putin-esque.
“The story of her marathon will now be the story of his proposal.”
One caveat: I knew a couple that got engaged during a marathon they were running together. They had trained together and were running together at the same pace. I thought it was kind of symbolic of being a team and being in the tough stuff and the fun stuff together. I think it was a little different…
This has my abuse flags popping all the fuck up. This is a textbook narcissistic thing to do - something “nice” that’s “for” someone else, but executed in a way that absolutely steals focus from her, derails a legitimate accomplishment she’s worked very hard for, all while maintaining this air of plausible deniability…
Every time I hear about a guy proposing during a race or at the finish line, I instantly hate him. Way to make her hard work and accomplishment all about you, dude. Way to not give her a minute to shine in her own spotlight. You ever notice how seldom a guy will propose at his own race?
It’s amazing how far people go in assigning blame for the result of the 2016 election on anybody other than themselves. The “Hillary just needs to go away” statement is basically a confesssion “I swallowed russian propaganda, didn’t vote and now would like to have you stop existing, because your existence reminds me…
Someone at the gate let the couple in; so how is that tresspassing? Oh, right it’s not. But I get Susie, there is no one more dangerous than a Black woman with a clipboard.
Waiting for the article of the same title to be written about Bernie Sanders but hey being a misogynistic asshole seems to be in demand these days so congrats Stephen you’ve earned your stripes. If a woman happens to take down Trump in 2020 it will be because of the heavy lifting done by Ms. Clinton. For real the sit…
Sorry, I’m holding on to the radical idea that the person who gets the most votes is the person who won the election. Three million more people chose her. That’s a fact. If you don’t care it’s because you are more interested in a false narrative.
Look, we all want things that aren’t going to happen.
I don’t think it’s the case that he doesn’t like black people…But I still support him because I think it’s a personal choice of his to not like black people
Stop having the conversation and shun them, you’ll feel better.
Latin Americans looooove their fascist strongmen. Conservative values, religion, and toxic masculinity are entrenched in the culture and history and a lot of people (including blacks, women, indigenous people) are willing to overlook racism and sexism (even directed against them) at the prospect of having a ‘real’ man…
I prefer to simply carry an open forty-ounce with me everywhere. For defense.
TBF, I don’t think she ever met her father. Her very existence is the cynical result of a business venture by her mother to be included in the will of the man she was married to for about 3 minutes.
Anyone who says “both sides are the same” hasn’t been paying attention.
While I do not advocate violence, I feel like offering Becky a Knuckle Sandwich was appropriate under the established Common Law principle of “Talk Shit, Get Hit.”