I love Viola Davis. I really do. I am happy to see 2 WOC nominated for this category. But Tatiana Maslany FTW #sorrynotsorry
I love Viola Davis. I really do. I am happy to see 2 WOC nominated for this category. But Tatiana Maslany FTW #sorrynotsorry
If she wins tonight like some are predicting, that will be great. But it would be even better if she was winning for a show that was worthy of her.
Ironic that the debate took place at the Reagan library because Reagan (aka “Republican Jesus”) would not have a chance in today’s Rep Party. He raised taxes several times, supported amnesty for immigrants, doubled the deficit, and signed a gun control bill into law.
I guess that makes me and anyone who loves this film and soundtrack a loser then? Fuck anyone who can’t just allow other people to love a film. You want to act as though Garden State is terrible? It’s not. Is it the end all be all greatest film of all time? It’s not that either. But to act as though it’s irredeemable…
I recommend you talk to some people who experience classism *and* racism *and sexism* (or one or the other). I think you’ll be surprised to hear what they think of your assertion.
...it’s not racist to laugh at the idea that white men are discriminated against more than people of color. she didn’t say he could easily get a directing job, she said it was ridiculous to think that his whiteness and maleness would restrict him from doing so more than her blackness and femaleness.
You don’t get it, do you? What he asked her was the equivalent of a White man asking Barack Obama how a White person can become President.
Maybe, just maybe, when you’re white, you get so sick of people talking about diversity just for the sake of diversity, that you finally just say “Nah”.
This seems like the “edited for TV” reenactment of what Wyatt Cenac complained about behind the scenes of The Daily Show.
I want to know the rate of white men interrupting men of color. I’m sure it’s a problem, but I haven’t seen it discussed.
b-b-b-but he’s white. he knows everything. what could the little brown woman possibly teach him?
“Never loan anybody your pickup truck.” is a lesson that needs to be burned into the brains of anyone who buys a pickup. Just by it’s nature, anybody who wants to use your truck is not asking for it because they need to transport a cardboard box filled with lace dollies. They’re going to beat that thing like a rented…
and the response is 40+ of these
I think now would be a really good time to remind him that a FlyGirl is now and will continue to be richer and more famous than he will ever hope to be.
Nah, they don’t really fuck with black people.
I can’t tell if you’re being serious. He’s blind, thus none of his view is obstructed by his horns (because all of his view is obstructed by blindness).
Also, GG say that women are too sensitive when they are doxxed and threatened with rape, but when they are mildly criticized by a TV show, it’s suddenly horrible? It’s pretty clear who are the wallowers in victimization.
Fine then. Watch my 49 minute youtube video called “Why feminists are ruining gaming” where I talk about that one girl who didn’t date me that one time. Also, I don’t play video games.
Who are these women who side with men on every.single.damn.thing? Who are these women who refuse to believe that gender wage gap is real? Who are these women that think they “don’t need feminism” because women in other countries have it worse (so we should just stop trying, I guess)? I simply don’t understand this…