As a mentally ill person I want to bake this woman an amazing cake. This man is not mentally ill, and that would just be a way for Fox and even progressive outlets to ignore the changes and evolution that has occurred in American racism.
As a mentally ill person I want to bake this woman an amazing cake. This man is not mentally ill, and that would just be a way for Fox and even progressive outlets to ignore the changes and evolution that has occurred in American racism.
The Rachel Dolezal costumes have started and the people in them are fucking awful. Prepare for blackface coming soon to your next halloween.
This is some straight up racist bullshit.
Road trip to South Carolina to fucking shimmy up that flag pole to shit on that fucking flag and then fucking burn it and then fucking throw it in that dumb fucking Governor’s face.
‘Cause artists, designers, programmers, and sound guys don’t work for free?
And why did he get to see the names of the persons lodging complaints? I understand he might figure it out from context, but it does seem like a poor human resources decision to say, “here’s the woman whose complaint got you fired.”
Sadly this happens all. the. time. In fact, it’s a pretty standard defense when people talk about why men generally make more than women: Men have to “provide” for their families, so they need to make more. Women, on the other hand, are just frittering away their time until they have babies, so we don’t need as much.
When is pay based on need? Often enough! I’d say when the decision-maker in the workplace empathizes more with a “family man” like himself with a stay-at-home wife and kids to support rather than some wild young woman with no responsibilities and - as he also told me - boyfriends with plenty of money. This happens…
Since when is pay based on Need? It’s no bosses business why someone wants a raise, only why they deserve a raise based on their work.
I reported to my boss’s boss just yesterday that my boss (are you still with me?) told me in multiple salary negotiations that I don’t “need” more money because I’m a young woman with no children. Although I only mentioned it him for context in my current salary negotiations, I’ve been unsettled ever since that I did…
My womb IRL:
Nor can you disprove my theory that she is an agent of Satan sent to manipulate us into thinking that we’re being punished by God so that we’ll do something real dumb to get back in His good graces.
It was already annoying being mixed and looking white without this “tragic faux-latto” bullshit in the news.
I have black family members who look just like this woman, down to their freckles, and green and blue eyes, though their hair is darker. I wouldn’t have questioned her blackness.
White people can and have (in the distant past) head the NAACP. It would be discriminatory to base the position on her skin color.
WPvP was dead long before flying mounts made it into the game and has long been more about griefing then anything. The real killer with flying for me wasn’t so much the flying away to prevent camping but that everyone would hover until they outnumbered you then attack. That or the druids with their instant fly…