White people names.
White people names.
She was originally going to go with Summer Eve, but decided that would be too douchey...
How about we lobby for Kinja to suck less and allow us to flag someone back into the greys?
This is an aside, but the article brought up something I was wondering: Do people outside California know about the history of whites lynching hispanics in California? Do Californians? I thought it was well documented and widely taught, but a recent conversation makes me think otherwise.
While we're calling out perp's race, let's also mention the class of the lynchers: working class and poor whites. For them, lynching was a sick, violent form of street theater that highlighted the social privileges of whiteness—which, for poor white trash, was the only power they had . The rich, white 1% who owned…
ok, jackass, I'll bite. Till's father was an abusive womanizer whom he most likely never knew as he was forced to enlist in the Army for beating his mother. Try reading Death of Innocence by Mamie Till-Mobley, Christopher Benson if you want actual information about the Till family's background. Otherwise shut the…
The piece said 4,000, not 40,000 (although I think they will uncover more victims' names the more they research).
They're cartoonish evil now, aren't they? What more will they do? They shoot puppies already, murder children and the mentally ill, run over old people. What the fuck is left?
Do police cars have one of these?
all of the shots of her i've seen, whether clips in the movie trailer or on the cover of Vogue, she just looks expressionless
I now know that Don Johnson starting dating Melanie Griffith when she was 14 yrs old and he was 22. Thanks, Wikipedia!
I don't think ANY other actress in ALL of Hollywood wanted that role.
Also, "50 Shades of Bey" also has a nice ring to it.
I looked it up because I was also confused about the use of "assassinate," and it turns out the killer was targeting black ministers, and had specifically come to kill her husband because of his prominence as a minister, and decided at the last minute to kill her instead. So assassination is appropriate, even if he…
I literally just realized that Malia and my daughter could possibly be in college together and Sasha and my son could be in college together....
So obviously my daughter and Malia will be BFFs and my son will marry Sasha.
I moved from Texas to deep south Louisiana for a job at a community newspaper about eight years ago. I live on the bayou among the Cajuns, who are notorious for eating just about anything. This is true. I have had squirrel and frogs legs and hogs head cheese like it ain't no thang since moving here.
i have ten years on malia but i wanna be friends w her. i could be her cool/uncool aunt. or something.
I went from a C student to an A student in college by making these simple changes:
So then you think it's acceptable and a positive reflection on them as Christians that they were assholes and left no tip? Really? Craig never said ALL Christians are assholes, just these folks. Climb off your cross.
this is it. this is the one. here we go.