Fox guy who thinks he is a psychiatrist.
Business idea: a yoga studio full of cats who jump on you and snuggle you while you do your yoga.
Downward facing — HEY! GET OUT OF HERE, YOU DARN DOG!
There are a number of narratives of incompetence, racism, and authoritarianism (to name a few) within police misconduct and mistakes that are not exclusive of each other. I see the reaction of the frank racism in some police misconduct to likely to impact those other narratives for everyone's benefit. Everything we…
Gee, maybe they thought about the public having the right to attend public meetings....
More power to her if she can get this film done before the year lets out. August will be the tenth anniversary and I'm dreading the fact that it'll be barely a footnote in the news or the media even though the region is STILL hurting from it to this day, 90% of which is almost due to sheer negligence and lack of…
"Just do it like Starbucks!@!@!!#ONE!" UGH I had these asshats when I worked at Scientist Brothers Bagel Factory. You want Starbucks, GO THERE! I wanted to say that all the time.
Obviously the steak fajitas had not been grilled enough. The longer you grill them, the more tender they become. Look it up.
When my husband and I first started dating over 10 years ago we would have raging debates about the virtues (or in my opinion the lack of virtues) of a free market. We eventually learned to agree to disagree and had enough other compatibility that it wasn't a show stopper. (It also helped that despite the fact that he…
No no no. The mistresses get abortions.
"The problem is that we, as a nation, have been running this experiment for decades now, and the verdict is clear: Without government assistance — or nudging — most businesses will never feel the obligation to pay for family leave on their own. "
Well, if you're gonna keep getting your staff members pregnant, it would be rude not to pay for their maternity leave.
I also had this thought along the lines of "You'd think that, of all places, Oklahoma would have laws against mules renting wigs."
Decades later and she's still trying to get her revenge on the young man who did that to her hair, right?
I'm not even going to speak to the hatefulness of this shit here. Clearly, that's obvious to anyone with half a fucking brain.
You mean dead and closeted.
Fuck you Sally. Just Fuck you.
Conversion therapy kills young people. But I guess people like her would prefer dead and straight than alive and gay.