
this! how do people not get that it’s one thing to deny boarding and quite another to remove passengers from the aircraft?

you must agree that the first biggest mistake was to let everyone board the plane and then, when the 4 staff members showed up late, having to remove people from the aircraft.

the beatings will continue until morale improves

Because they own your a$$ after you handed it to them with all your outsourcing and offshoring jobs for a cheap short term payout

maybe try not to reproduce with her?

same here. Nucolar war?!?!?!

I agree - I find a bunch of these celebrities may be using Lyme brain as an excuse for drugs induced irrational behaviour, to get away with saying and doing stuff that is rude and unacceptable or simple stupidity.
Not saying they are all lying, but chronic Lyme disease seems to be the new “exhaustion”..
I hope you do