
Lapsed catholic here, and I’m loving all the grumpy catholic conservative personalities getting in an uproar about this. This stance makes perfect sense with having a “pro-life” view, but as usual, these people are pro-life when it comes to controlling women’s sexuality and bodies, but pro-death when a life is older

Yeah, and you know what, the doctor likely WILL DO THE DAMN VASECTOMY WITHOUT A FUSS! Whereas if you are a woman who wants to have your tubes tied, it’s a freaking Hurculean struggle to even get a doctor to *consider* it if you aren’t a.) a mother of AT LEAST 2 already, and b.) married, AND c.) over 30, but really 35,

What do they talk about? You know, the usual — soup, snow peas, the outdoors. But, really, they can talk or not talk forever.

So like 5 pairs then? 

Okay, I used to work in guidelines. Let me give a little context.

Well fuck.  But thanks for saving me money!

All I’ll say about the Jesse Camp thing, is that Dave Holmes should have won Wanna a Be a VJ. Jesse’s win was total bullshit.

For the love of god!

“I was writing about this show and doing research at the same time. We go on Tinder and probably swiped on everybody in Los Angeles. We were not even looking, just swiping. I had 252 matches that night, and 400 the next day. So I was going through them all, and one of them had a really cute message. And I said, ‘Oh,

I just saw that I Wanna Be a VJ was filmed in 1998. I remember watching and voting. HOW WAS THAT 20 YEARS AGO?! HOW AM I THIS OLD? (almost  34)

I was always Team Dave, so now I feel conflicted.

Would it not have been better served for Chipotle to send these coupons to a womens/homeless shelter? I love me some Cardi B, but I’m guessing she can buy her own damn burrito.

No. He is creating this mess. No one should feel sorry for him. 

The entire maternal side of Meghan’s family seems to be managing just fine without turning into a salty, thirsty, embarrassing hot mess.

*please note that not all seafood toxicity issues are resolved with cooking and that certain seafood affected by e.g. red tide can be toxic even after cooking :)

Amber Atkins (well, it was Annette, really) explained this 20 years ago:

Well, I’ll just continue never again eating your gross ocean snot.

This is only going to get worse - much worse - as the oceans and seas warm. Cook your damn seafood, people!

I know it’s totally the wrong reaction”

The struggle to defend thousands of years of misogyny.