
Maybe tell your friend that humans have “only” been watching documentaries for 96 years and that’s why most human brains cannot process documentaries in a critical and intelligent manner?

Holy crap, you’re right

Yes, this was many years ago but she said it worked for her, whatever that means, but, no it’s not legal.

Excuse me — rhino horn?! Like, literally from a fucking rhino?!

WHAT. Hippy-dippy alternative medicine is one thing, but that’s just downright evil.

Now now, let’s not be too hasty. I think it’s important to read up on the science:

The PH of her fuckin urine? What the fuck is she peeing in a cup then using a pool test kit?! No wonder she believes this crazy fuck’s teachings

Jesus Herbert Christ, how can anyone still be taking rhino horn? Is she a really stupid sociopath?

She also takes ground up rhino horn, so she is a wacko and a terrible person.

Ultimately, I’m not surprised. Elle has been into weird “wellness” stuff for years. She tests the pH of her urine (no idea why). And of course, Wakefield is just chasing the $$$. He was planning on offering a “safe” alternative vaccine before his “research” got debunked.

I subscribe to two rules when it comes to giving cherished items to SOs.

My dad was a fireman his entire career and died on the job. I would find this disrespectful if one of my siblings did this, but what other people do with their family mementos is their business.

And I doubt this would happen in this case, but you don’t want to end up in a Frances Bean Cobain sitch if things don’t end well. 

Looks like someone broke it and then tried to fix it with a glue gun

We think it’s ugly. 

Please understand that all antibiotics (and all medications) have risks and benefits, but don’t imply that “if your doc is handing out cipro for a UTI, at this point they should know better.” You also need to know the local drug resistance profile to know what you should be prescribing. Where I work, E. coli (the

Medical professional here(Nurse): Let me clue you in on a small fact you aren’t likely to see @ the top of of an article when you go on your hours long “omg this shit’s gonna kill me” bender online for every single medicine. They can all do horrible things to you. Will they? Not likely. If 1 out of 100,000 tests

Cursed image. (But Kylie does kinda look like Khloe, I guess?)

Yeah, she really toeing the line there.

Are these cameltoe leggings from the J. Lo collection at Kohl’s?