Kim’s Spanish teacher:
Kim’s Spanish teacher:
Kim K. talking to her domestic in the morning.
In my head she’s always wearing chic and comfortable loafers, such as you’d find at a casual family dinner in the Hamptons.
Jennifer Garner doesn’t get enough credit for playing the game. In one post she reminded people she’s single (on a night where she looked spectacular), promoted two of her projects, and showed that she can laugh at herself, making her super relatable. Ben Affleck never deserved her.
How is she changing poopie diapers with two-inch nails?!?
Dean and Tori’s solution to financial problems: have more children
Release the corgi!
She is as sassy as an aubergine.
Someone must, so I will...
They are a testament to what public schools can produce if students have support at home and in well-funded schools.
Why no picture - or even link to - Pippi, the only story of interest in this dirtbag?
Chevy says he fired back, “If I were a lot younger I’d bust your nose” ... then one of ‘em got out and kicked him in the shoulder so hard he went to the ground.
You knew it was coming!
You know what causes this, right? Her family tree looks like a holiday wreath.
This made me laugh, thank you. It’s been a heavy morning. I needed something funny and this was perfect.
Ugh him and Bob Loblaw. Can I ever watch Arrested Development again?!