
I’m glad for Dreyfus. I have breast cancer and its just hell on earth. I’m wondering why she still has hair, unless it’s a wig..mine fell out after my first chemo and two years later I am still not quite back to myself, (though my hair is!).

All I can say:

I was going to buy an epilator from Ulta. I was standing in line and looking at the package and noticed it had hairs still in it. I decided I’d try Amazon for it. XD


CAN I JUST SAY that I am so happy that white/visible ice skates are back in fashion? Instead of that horrid trend of putting beige tights over the skates?

They are not done by the same painter.

I do wish the face looked more like Michelle. I mean, it’s a cool painting, I love the contrast of the grey and the blue, and I think the inclusion of the flying geese pattern on her dress is playful and fun (as a quilter I am a big fan of that pattern), but the face is just... off. Michelle Obama is a genuinely

Now playing

I’m sure I’m not the only one around here who was upset to hear of the recent passing of Reg E. Cathey. He was always the smartest guy in a room full of sleazebags on The Wire, and this final scene with Frank on House of Cards is worthy of an Emmy in itself:

They were like oven mitts with fringe.

Oh god those fucking gloves. We were watching it like “hey the American outfits actually look pretty great this year, I kind of want that jacket...wait. Dafuq are those. Did Yosemite Sam fuck Ralph Lauren?”

[Kim Jong Un awkwardly high-fives his Commissar of Infectious Disease Research and Warfare]

Per the US Weekly article: Fans have been convince that the name Stormi was inspired by the living creatures <butterflies>. “‘Stormi’ is short for Storm. A storm can be caused by a minute localized change in a complex system. That’s known as the butterfly effect. Butterfly in Spanish is Mariposa…”

If our society (and species) survives long enough to see the next century, I hope that we’ll look back at moments like this and wonder why the fucking fuck we spent so much time and energy ruining so many lives over some bullshit argument that marriage can ONLY be between a man and a woman.


God damn it. That poor woman. Her poor kids.

Damn shame about Mahoney. Martin Crane was so good as a grouchy father foil to Fraiser and brilliantly acted by John.

I was literally polishing off a small bag of Cool Ranch doritos as I read this and had reached the “tipping the bag into mouth for crumbs” section right at that goddamn paragraph.

It’s shocking that a group like the Republicans, who regularly deny science, has zero understanding of science.

I feel like I want to get a kit and try it because you can make some super adorable fuzzy little figures that way. Most of them are adorable round fluffy things but look at this majesty.

I am working on an afghan (one I hope to actually finish this time, lol) because crocheting is my mind numbing comfort go-to activity when I can’t drink wine. Which I can’t do because I am on antibiotics for my third bout of mastitis; which no one knows why I am getting (never had kids, don’t smoke, no piercings,