I’m glad for Dreyfus. I have breast cancer and its just hell on earth. I’m wondering why she still has hair, unless it’s a wig..mine fell out after my first chemo and two years later I am still not quite back to myself, (though my hair is!).
I’m glad for Dreyfus. I have breast cancer and its just hell on earth. I’m wondering why she still has hair, unless it’s a wig..mine fell out after my first chemo and two years later I am still not quite back to myself, (though my hair is!).
All I can say:
I was going to buy an epilator from Ulta. I was standing in line and looking at the package and noticed it had hairs still in it. I decided I’d try Amazon for it. XD
CAN I JUST SAY that I am so happy that white/visible ice skates are back in fashion? Instead of that horrid trend of putting beige tights over the skates?
They are not done by the same painter.
I do wish the face looked more like Michelle. I mean, it’s a cool painting, I love the contrast of the grey and the blue, and I think the inclusion of the flying geese pattern on her dress is playful and fun (as a quilter I am a big fan of that pattern), but the face is just... off. Michelle Obama is a genuinely…
I’m sure I’m not the only one around here who was upset to hear of the recent passing of Reg E. Cathey. He was always the smartest guy in a room full of sleazebags on The Wire, and this final scene with Frank on House of Cards is worthy of an Emmy in itself:
They were like oven mitts with fringe.
Oh god those fucking gloves. We were watching it like “hey the American outfits actually look pretty great this year, I kind of want that jacket...wait. Dafuq are those. Did Yosemite Sam fuck Ralph Lauren?”
[Kim Jong Un awkwardly high-fives his Commissar of Infectious Disease Research and Warfare]
God damn it. That poor woman. Her poor kids.
Damn shame about Mahoney. Martin Crane was so good as a grouchy father foil to Fraiser and brilliantly acted by John.
I was literally polishing off a small bag of Cool Ranch doritos as I read this and had reached the “tipping the bag into mouth for crumbs” section right at that goddamn paragraph.
It’s shocking that a group like the Republicans, who regularly deny science, has zero understanding of science.
I am working on an afghan (one I hope to actually finish this time, lol) because crocheting is my mind numbing comfort go-to activity when I can’t drink wine. Which I can’t do because I am on antibiotics for my third bout of mastitis; which no one knows why I am getting (never had kids, don’t smoke, no piercings,…