
In the afterglow of Thanksgiving, I’d like to take a moment to be thankful...Dear Lord, I’m thankful that social media did not exist when I was that age. I’m thankful that I never got herpes or a DUI or even a bad tattoo. I’m not sure how I managed that, but thank you forever and ever. Amen.

The South African legal system seems like absolute madness.

Can you share your dad? Please?

That makes me so sad. My dad’s a deacon and my dad was heartbroken my nephew hid being an atheist cause he was scared it would hurt his relationship. My dad explained he gets to have his choices and he would never judge him or force him to participate in something he doesn’t want. They’re still super close and it

You could send them a special Christmas card with your family all wearing matching “Black Lives Matter” t-shirts.

Real pros know to microwave the turkey!

My family tends to just ignore each other. My cousins routinely ignore my calls/texts so I’ve stopped contacting them. My dad is avoiding visiting me for Christmas/Thanksgiving because he’s “lazy” (his words - I’m like, ok Dad, good to know you can’t be bothered to book a one-hour flight to my city when you routinely

Good for her. Sounds like you’re raising a solid kid despite their inability to “correct” her.

The kid is 13. We told them that their shit made her uncomfortable. Their response was that we’re raising a godless child and they felt it was their duty to “correct” that. Our daughter didn’t tell us about this stuff for years because she thought we’d get mad at her. Instead, we feel terrible that she had to spend so

I never understood the reasoning behind lobbing a verbal grenades at the Thanksgiving table. If you don’t like your family’s company, stay the hell home or grin and bear it so the rest of us can have an enjoyable meal with people we only see once a year. It’s really not hard to shut yer yap.

Either way, I personally don’t think Franken’s conduct is worthy of resignation. He should be called out on it (and has), he should apologize, genuinely (and has) and he should be given the opportunity to atone and make up for what he did, and I think staying in the Senate pushing for legislation that helps women is

Shirley Manson pinned his years back for it:

No. There is no case that deserves the death penalty because actions don’t happen in a vacuum. Using the death penalty on that guy will inevitably result in using it on an innocent at some point, especially with how fucked up forensic science is.

Good. I wish EVERYONE who claims to be feminist or progressive would sever ties. I’ll never forget the Jia Tolentino piece on Jezebel which in my very humble opinion did not go far enough at all, and the scores of commenters who were willing to give Lena pass after motherfucking pass despite example after

I think you bring up a good point, and no, I don’t think it’s inherently wrong to believe the men you love. However, if you’re a public figure like Lena, and you feel the need to release a statement that the victim is lying, even though you have no way of actually knowing what happened, that’s where you cross a line.

Take your star, but I’m not happy about it.

Given that the Navy is filled with sea men, the penis seems legit.

A long time ago.

I don’t know what it means or says about me but I knew what Gary that was going to be before clicking and thought “I’m glad he’s doing good”.