
This year in gif form:

I hope she left a diary with instructions to release at her funeral.

My SNS is brought to me by the squirrel that’s camped out in my basement

Sure. But if the incident happened/did not happen 40 years ago, and he does not remember it, what else could he say?

...........I’m still waiting for “Seth Does Chet Baker: Nude & Aroused”........

He really is a fabulous singer. I go back and forth on him - is humor can be annoying and offensive, yet he comes across as charming in interviews - but the singing is great. And yes, “My Way” from “Sing” was outstanding.

Seth MacFarlane has surprisingly great pipes. He’s released jazz standards albums and on the movie “Sing” his character is obnoxious but gives an outstanding rendition of “My Way”. What I’m saying is, he won’t be the worst voice on that album *cough*Gwencan’tsing*cough. 

I’m pretty sure they can have the lines re-recorded by just about anyone without kids thinking “But what happened to Louis C.K?” This is probably the least complicated issue for studios.

I am increasingly convinced that at this rate your Wardrobe Wall is going to achieve sentience and go Skynet on all of us.

I’m honestly surprised there have been no suicides.

Lover’s quarrel. Who’s with me on this?

“a very regrettable dispute between two neighbors over a matter that most people would regard as trivial,”

Because Trump voters are fucking dumb. They think that the pussygrabbing is “just locker room talk.” I can only speak for myself and I’ve been in plenty of locker rooms and I never heard anything remotely like that.

I was really looking forward to reading a story about Chris Pratt being taken down a peg or two. What a letdown!

So, how long is the Hollywood Purge going to continue? Not that it’s a bad thing it’s happening, it’s just gotten to the point where I wake up every morning wondering who did what to whom without consent next.

Her mother killed her father in self defence and Charlize was present. I’m not finding anything saying Charlize killed anyone herself.

“We don’t want any assholes around us,” she said, before laying out precisely how to avoid the classic Hollywood problem of a room full of assholes and potential sexual predators intent on maintaining their power via intimidation.

A trans woman defeating the guy who tried to pass a bathroom bill is the kind of poetic justice we need.

Well, at least you don’t look like you were involved in an explosion at factory from the 90s.

Leggings are not pants! (If other people chose to wear them as pants, I don’t care!)