
Plus the clothes are criminally hideous.

True--I thought Jaime Fox and Jon Hamm did especially well. It’s rough when the weak link is the lead though.

Baby Driver is great (it does have Kevin Spacey but plenty of other great actors).

But did you see Baby Driver. He’s adorable in that.

Just send some Thoughts and Prayers.

Yeah. This is my first instinct.

I think it’s possible that I’ve just become numb to all violent stories. The shooting today didn’t even touch me so.

I secretly feel this way bc his hair bothers me more than his politics but I DO feel BAD bc damn... to be attacked on your property and kicked in the RIBS (a legit fear of mine... something about ribs)... I just feel like going on another persons property and attacking them physically is kinda shitty... if anything

Damn. I feel bad for R Paul... his views may be shitty but being attacked on your own property and having your ribs broken? That’s horrible. We all know this story is going to circulate like crazy (and make us common sense liberals look cray) and yeah it pisses me off but what happened to R Paul was fucked up, if

It’s less about the act and more about the fact that it wasn’t part of the script, and the ONLY reason Duffers added it in was BECAUSE it made Sink uncomfortable. That’s an asshole move, no matter what. Why does that matter? Because we, as a society, need to stop making excuses and letting people get away with acting

While maybe not as severe as other sexual assault/harassment cases being brought forth, this is still fucked up. It’s absolutely wrong that these guys would pressure a young actress into doing an on-screen kiss, and then gaslight her when she’s not okay with it. It’s abuse of power, plain and simple.

Here is a transcript:

outcast “coalitions” of two to four male lions don’t get to have sex with females until their take over a pride.

“It has occurred to me since then that there’s this weird way that Spacey had discovered that the closet would shield other things. Being closeted has for him enabled him to use this privacy claim as a shield against anybody looking closely at his actual behavior. And then it may have served as this strange,

“Perhaps not. But that résumé also couldn’t be achieved without any privilege to begin with.”

So you’re saying because of who he is, he should sit on his ass and have no ambition—even if it’s to do good? He should have a less meaningful life to be “fair”? That he, as an individual who has a right to pursue his dreams and make his life matter, is not entitled to do that because you think he’s too entitled? And

He spent 10 months investigating a topic to help those who have been sexually abused by a powerful man. He used his privilege, status and smarts to help people. What the fuck is wrong with that? I commend him. Use your attack for someone else. He doesn’t deserve it. Itching to bash the privileged? Bash Trump’s kids.

He’s privileged yes, but he uses that for good. There is nothing wrong with that. Stop shaming people for no good reason. He’s earned all his credentials by merit. It’s pretty clear just looking at his resume.