
This guy is such a piece of shit.

Thank you. I can never EVER hear someone say “lover” and not think of that sketch.

“I’m laughing with my lover, making forts under covers.”

She should have started eating it horizontally, like an ear of corn - like Amy Farrah Fowler, because “That’s how good girls eat a banana”.

Hot Take: Oprah’s Favorite Things seems kind of pointless without a studio full of middle aged moms treating a free Baker’s Edge Brownie Pan like it’s some kind of religious experience.

Buster is on bed-rest boarding, and they dressed him as a pirate and sent me pics (he’s on a mild sedative and pain meds and he’s never been away from me this long, which is why he doesn’t look very happy, but he’s still super cute):

Here I am as Catwoman, Eartha Kitt style:

My Mario doesn’t like doorbells either, or constantly being moved from my lap.

Popcorn! Bummer is, I work alone in my office, so no one even gets to see it :(

My dog Moose, as Pamplemousse La Croix

The daughter a I on our quest to Mordor.

Kiki’s Delivery Service is open for business!

My fuzzy little shark is not cool with doorbells, so it’s going to be a long night for her

This was from a couple of years ago— I was Daria. I never got a chance to wear it out :/

Wonder Cosima. Even though she’s scared of everything, she’s my emotional support super hero!

My little dude Milou is either a Sucka MC or a Russian gangster. Not sure which.

Shitty photo of my dog in a costume I got last year on clearance after Halloween! I’m heartbroken by my inability to locate the wig this year! I want to twin with him while giving out candy later. Not shown is the pink terrycloth bathrobe with a pocket containing a plush (!!!) packet of “Smokin’ Hot” cigarettes.

Two elsas and Olaf!