
I couldn’t have said it better than Jenny. If you can afford to and that’s what you want, stay home with the kids. It’s not for me, but my mom did it and loved it. It wasn’t about giving up a career because being a mom was more important.

Please don’t do that. Just because it’s not your choice or what you want, doesn’t mean it’s not valid for other people. There may be reasons to call this particular woman unambitious, but please don’t criticise women in general for choosing to be a stay at home mother.

actually, the grossest thing is when other people judge or try to define how others grieve a lost loved one.

Confirms my opinion of her. My hate for her started with her whining about her People magazine cover story about her weight loss. Farrah Fawcett was nearing the end of her cancer battle, and Hart whined that if Farrah died on a certain day, it would bump her off the cover.

In their defense, and having lost a much beloved father-in-law just a few months ago, one good thing Facebook is for is the sharing of horrible news. When you lose someone like a parent, especially if they’ve been battling a terminal illness, you feel so overwhelmed and alone that it helps to just put it out there.

I give it a pass too. Not everyone has a million friends on FB-I think a lot of us keep it to those they know and hang out with. It seems more like a “Hey ya’ll, my relative died, so if I’m all distant and weird that’s why” than posturing to me. And it’s easier than telling everyone individually/

I think it saves people from having to make many painful phone calls and prevents the awkward and sad experience of someone inquiring about a newly-dead relative

I’m not gonna judge. I was literally alone in the woods when I found out my grandma passed (girl scout counselor, called home from the one phone which happened to be a decent distance from the camps, and after lights out once my kids were sleeping). If a signal existed out there I would’ve posted just to reach

True story about Melissa Joan Hart: My mom used to work for Make-A-Wish foundation. She escorted children on celebrity meet and greets. Melissa Joan Hart met the kid for a half an hour and then hopped up and told the family she had to leave because she had a tennis lesson and left. This kid’s one dying wish...

On the contrary, I am taking this seriously (honestly embarrassed how invested I am in this) and am solidly anti-Baba. Sirens: Smashing the patriarchy one ship at a time.

A very casual acquaintance knows her (went to college together) and she’s only said a little bit about Ms. McLauglin...but this has devastated her entire life and family. I hope she wins.

Mills reported that the CEO Moody told her: “Please don’t tell me anymore. Don’t worry, he has met someone. She is a teacher and he seems to love her very much, and we think she will keep him grounded.”

Today on 500 Days of Kristin: what is going on with her boobs in that dress? It is like they are mad at one another.

WTF is happening here people???? who the fuck created this little monster???

This girl is still a thing?

She’s criticized women for fillers, looking like and/or being strippers, being “fake” etc, and after seeing that picture I’m convinced it’s because all of those descriptors hit a little too close to home.

Fuck Wendy Williams - years back she accused Method Man of cheating on his wife, who was dealing with cancer, with her freaking oncologist. Meth and his wife hadn’t told their family about the cancer diagnosis yet, Wendy puts that on blast and then the bullshit cheating accusation.

Her campaign slogan was not inclusive, it was all about her, on with her was so lame. She is looking more and more delusional.

The same cousin on Facebook who’s main loves seem to be Trump and taking pictures of herself is always raving about This is Us. That alone was enough to make me not want to watch it.