
Not that I had an exaggerated respect for Harvard before, but REALLY? Mediocrity is an astronomically high standard next to Spicey.

James Woods doesn’t think a 24 year old dating a 17 year old is bad. He thinks a 24 year old guy dating a 17 year old guy is bad.

Sued by DOJ for refusing to rent to black people, ultimately settling the case (despite “never settling”), then sued and settles again for failing to live up to original settlement.

Ok QUACKENBUSH- calm the duck down.

This isn’t about getting back together; it’s about his desire to have contact with her whenever he wants, however he wants simply because he wants it. He doesn’t care that he divorced her via text because he did what he did because he wanted to at the time.

Asleep at 9pm, up at 6am, loves Moana, plays with his dog.

Poor Tiffany is confused by a lot of things...

Also, quite the publicist who thinks that she need to explain to Harper’s Bazaar what NYFW means.

There’s more than enough blame to go around for that dreadful movie. The director, the screenwriter, whoever decided it was a good idea to make the soundtrack hip-hop, and so many more. All in all, I would say very little of it was Mulligan’s fault, though. Tobey Maguire and Leonardo DiCaprio were both awful in

I just bought my first pair of boyfriend jeans like a month ago despite that they’re no longer “at peak”. But as I get older, I give less of a shit about trends and focus more on what works on me or I feel comfortable in. Next on my to buy list: a pair of flared jeans, which are the most flattering for my pear-shaped

I hate skinny jeans, i like my vagina to breathe.

The sales rep’s reaction was the correct one. I looked like a series of factory-reject sausages bound together.

and skinny jeans, I’m sorry to say, look kind of decent on everyone

Important question. Doesn’t “Washington Life” (whatever that is) have enough dough to spring for a garment steamer?

So, a known kiddie fiddler was elected mayor.

Everyone who didn’t try to intervene should be fired too. Why did they let this happen? Like that security guy talking on his phone - what about doing your job? You’re witnessing a nurse on the hospital you work for getting assaulted!

To cover their asses over a potential unwarranted high speed chase; blame the victim, not themselves.

They should get fired, but they won’t.

Once Payne and his superior who pushed him are fired and unable to find another job, then I’ll believe in that “goodness of society”.